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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Further clarification. [img=http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/pikachu.gif]Do this for each of the pokemon you'd like in your sig. Obviously replacing 'Pikachu' with the name of the pokemon you want.
  2. Do you really think punishing people for double posting is necessary? I mean what would you propose said punishment be?
  3. They are you just have to scroll down from the original post.
  4. I believe there was one beneath the Grand Staircase in Lapis Ward, but I'm not sure if that's before or after the events of the Sanctum.
  5. Yeah 'most' probably won't, but if we can reduce the numbers of people who don't understand the rules even some, it still helps, and it's not like it's difficult to implement at all.
  6. So feel the fire beneath your feet as you barely even perspire From the heat Exhale deep and breathe a sigh of relief And as you say goodbye to the grief It's like watching the walls melt in your prison cell But you've extinguished this living hell Still a little piece of you dies as you scream

  7. Yeah, it'd have to involve a 3rd party program, but I don't see why it can't be done. I don't think it's something Ame can change but as part of RPGMaker itself.
  8. Haircut/Shave Shaved my neck and mustache before I went to get my haircut. Didn't shave the rest cus I didn't have time, she said I should keep it. y/n?
  9. If you're not sure how to edit your signature, you can see it here in the FAQ in the 'Profile' section. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638 First look at how to find your profile, then 'Q: How do I change my signature below my posts?'
  10. Pokemon Red Blastoise, Raticate, Pidgeot, Nikoking, Nidoqueen, Vaporeon It was terribad, I don't know how many times I had to battle Agatha and her damned ghosts.
  11. Hmm, I'm kind of going to be against the vote down button. Does it really serve a constructive purpose? Especially in places like the Ranting thread or the Political Soap Box to name a few, it just adds fuel to the fire, even in anonymity. I looks at the other forum color skins, but the default one is easiest on the eyes.
  12. Dei, there was no need to bring back this thread. Next time please post it elsewhere or start a new topic if it's been this long since the last post was made.
  13. We most likely won't get the Axew egg in the next episode as Rock Climb is required to obtain it and word on the street is that'll be the last HM we get.
  14. Only slightly, and only when it's at the top of the page. It's good enough now IMO.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear that, usually reviving old threads is frowned upon, but given the circumstances, we can definitely make an exception here. Let me the first to say you and your family have my condolences. As for the forum, if you have questions I can most likely answer them for you.
  16. Thanks Bob Marley for helping me get out of this tough time.

    1. GotWala


      May reggae sooth the worn out soul, haha.

  17. No method is specified. So you may not be able to break it. If it's not fixed don't break it?
  18. That would make the game far too easy though, I don't want that, and Ame doesn't want that. It's one reason I prefer Reborn to gamefreak games, (and didn't even get ORAS)
  19. Ame, I know you're going for the 404 error, but that text is very much lagging this page for me.
  20. He was back for a couple weeks, but now seems more gone than ever.
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