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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Hello and welcome, first of all I need to ask that you don't double post, instead edit your old post. As for your save file. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7182#entry231292 Here is the problem he is referring to for any of you who happen to walk in here with the ability to fix it, but if it's truly corrupted, then there is nothing that can be done. This is why we always recommend you back up your save file. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8595 I'm sure if you ask around and specify what part of the game you were in, someone would be willing to give you their save file, and while it may not be exactly like your old one, you wouldn't have to start the game anew. If you have any questions in the future, ask any of the Admins/Global Mods, or myself, and we'll be happy to help anyway possible.
  2. It will probably be like ORAS in E15, which Trapinch learns EQ at level 33, as will Flygon, so it can be taught for a heart scale at the move relearner.
  3. Short and sweet, TM26 is not yet available and won't be until we at least beat Terra, if not later.
  4. Sheep knows what's up. Cradily with Storm Drain will also work rather well against Amaria if you're set on grass, but careful, I wouldn't be surprised to see her with something that can take it down so just send it in at the right time.
  5. Well Seviper is eating/drinking Toxic Waste as seen here at 49:38 However I can't say for sure if his appearance is tied directly to any specific time or weather, keep leaving and entering the room while changing the clock and tell us if you find out anything.
  6. Not big on AoT myself, but here ya go guys. https://www.nerdist.com/2014/11/live-action-attack-on-titan-character-posters-reveal-cast-in-costume/
  7. Yes it is absolutely possible all you have to do is go to your favorite graphic design program, open Pokemon Reborn>Graphics>Characters>(something like: boy_walk.png) and all other corresponding pictures to the character sprite your using them and alter as you please. You'll have to quite a few edits though.
  8. Hilda and Absol, one of them is very threatening, the other is named after a pokemon. Rose, put Absol in his place. I don't have time for this nonsense.
  9. I remember for the Gamecube there was a way to put your GBA game (R/S/E) into it somehow with some additional hardware and play it on your TV. That was awesome....
  10. That's probably the right idea, but wouldn't PMing Ame or one of the other Admins be more effective in this situation? You don't really need confirmation from the community regarding this matter.
  11. Rock stairs? Mind posting a screenshot?
  12. Just keep talking to various people in 7th Street (Black Market as you call it) Keep going east within 7th street if you run out of people to talk to there.
  13. Aegislash does not revert to Shield Form upon using King's Shield on the Reborn server. It will revert only once called back, and sent back again.
  14. Welcome back. Aegislash is still glitched on the Reborn server of PO, but we will being moving to Pokemon Showdown, SOONTM If you have any questions, feel free to ask the global mods or myself.
  15. I doubt I could get enough support behind this, but a sports subforum maybe?
  16. Putting on to x5 actually will limit it's capability outside of battle so out of battle it will go normal speed and in battle at x5. x3 seems to be the happy median usually.
  17. Yeah I think this weekend I'm gonna go back and compile all the old threads for the most asked questions list and try to put something together. I figured 7th street would be the most common one.
  18. That was me. At least back in July, he retaliated by naming me 'Shit Cannons!', oh what a crappy situation that was.
  19. Hey there man, seems you've been around quite a while, I don't see any need to go through the usual with you. Good to have you man.
  20. How long can one continue to preach joy and happiness, while not really living it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sheep


      Almost the plot of Fate/Stay Night. That is exactly the sort of thing it focuses on. After playing 2/3rds of the game I'm of the opinion that a moderate amount of caring for others is good, but it should never be your whole life.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I believe that you cannot properly teach others to be happy if you yourself cannot be. You can steer them in the right direction and you can help them yes, but you yourself cannot teach them to be happy. I very much thought being selfless would make make me happier once, but it solely cannot at least for me. It can help you find that path for yourself, because people you help can become very good friends. My philosophies on this may be a bit weird

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      but I firmly believe them. Because in my state of Depression I couldn't help anyone, because I couldn't help me. Battling through that, well it took some stregth and it took the help of some important people. Now, I beileve I can truly help others and helop them along, now that I can take time for myself, and believe in my self and can be a happy person.

  21. Notable Trainer's pokemon now get either EV's or IV's I can't remember which. Either way, what level was Chatot and what is Greninja's base speed at the time?
  22. This doesn't seem like you're trying to find a Chatot but rather just ranting about how it outsped you. In which case I'd recommend a status update, but at the very least it should be in Reborn City or in Team Showcase if you want help to beat the Meteor squad.
  23. Hey there, things have probably changed quite a bit since you were last here. Welcome back man. If you have questions about how things are different now, you should know the Global Mods will help, or you can ask me as well.
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