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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yup just working on some video tortilla, but I'm here now... Whoops I really just typed tortilla, I mean tutorial...... I don't even... Rose, Mexican Food?
  2. Psycho Pass season 2 is already being dubbed. 2 episodes as of now.
  3. Someone tell the turtles they're doing it wrong... That's bass ackwards.
  4. Hukuna, when I think of you, I think of a Warthog named Pumba
  5. Are there plans for AGK to be dubbed? It's pretty well known now, and there are people (like me) who don't typically like to watch subs.
  6. Nope, no mods allowed. Except Hilda of course.
  7. I have to do one for each of my favorite games. Gears of War series: Left 4 Dead series: Halo series: Kingdom Hearts series: Elder Scrolls series: Fallout series: Okay well if you read any of that, or are familiar with any of them, then that's awesome.
  8. No seriously though, Happy Birthday Everkarp.
  9. Additionally you can find the evolution levels/methods on various sites. For in game reference, I suggest Bulbapedia. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Just type the pokemon name in the search bar to the left.
  10. So there has been a growing abundance of people creating threads to ask how to progress the story within their save files. This thread should be relatively straightforward, say the last notable event that occurred within your game, and the community will get back to you with an answer. (I also encourage you guys to not spam A(Z) all the time and skip the dialog ) PS, Screenshots are very much appreciated.
  11. I'll see about making a video of it. Although it's been quite some time since I've done it myself, and supposedly according to sheep it's been changed.
  12. I COULD make a Tutorial on YouTube about how to do the quick Egg process step by step. From obtaining Eggs to quick hatching over and over about 5 eggs every minute or so. Up to you Etesian.
  13. Read more  
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverJakler
    3. SilverJakler


      There was another one of it in battle, still looks pretty fake tho.

    4. zimvader42


      Now we're talking 'bout fakes, have you peple seen the supposed mega-castform and mega-milotic? [fakeleaks intensify]

  14. Precisely Minerva. Also, I am fairly confident whomever it is that betrays us, will not remain against us. All the motives and alibis I can see would not lead to a permanent switch of sides. Go through them one by one if you want.
  15. We're a bit less than 2/3 of the way through the game I believe (20 episodes, +1 or 2 more Ame had said at one point). These 'multiple endings' aren't truly different story wise, but more along the lines of an extended cut or something. The differences won't be huge thats for sure. To get the ending you have to have done all of the additional quest line stuff by the time the respective checkpoints are reached. e.g. Find out Corey is tied to Team Meteor. For the last time, Ame is NOT sadistic..... she's just not Gamefreak and there's a reason we all keep coming back so she must be doing something right.... Yes the game is free, appreciate it. You're more than welcome to donate to the cause though. Go to the Game Download page and you'll see the paypal button.
  16. Congrats! Does this mean I now have to take orders from you?
  17. Um no. You can't ASSUME it'd be +2 bruh.
  18. Ahem. 252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 132 HP / 0 Def Mega Mawile: 270-320 (98.5 - 116.7%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
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