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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. OK well. First things first. You NEED 6 party members. Then you need to grind them all a bit. Also Noibat is kinda bad, at least until it evolves. But if it works for you then it works for you. I'd recommend going to the Obsidia slums and catching a Makuhita and training it to level 24 when it evolves into a Hariyama. Cradily will regret the day it crossed paths with you. Pachirisu is kind of out of place against a Grass Gym. I'd also recommend catching a trubbish and starting with Toxic Spikes and then using Acid Spray which sharply lowers the opponents Special Defense each time.
  2. It's not an issue here Sonic. He was the last thread regarding this before I made the Gym Leader Help thread. Kind of the final straw if you will.
  3. Please post in the Official Gym Leader help thread. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709
  4. Yeah but grass is literally it's only weakness. Not to be rude, but unless you're really bad, it's one hell of a wall. Especially if you can breed recover on to it.
  5. Don't get your hopes up. Although I'd be willing to bet there are still at least 3-5 more.
  6. Mega Lopunny is actually a beast. Only disappointing megas to my knowledge are, Pidgeot, Audino, Camperupt and Glalie. They are still pretty bad.
  7. DNite with Magic Bounce? It actually could make sense. (Puff the Magic Dragon) Megamence will be banned for similar reasons as Mega Lucario. I'm almost positive of it.
  8. It's smogon OU, there's no negotiation on the matter of tiers. Play it how it is if you want to. If not well then you're SoL here. Hope to see you regardless.
  9. Everyone's beautiful on the inside! +1
  10. Another + for showdown is there isn't the ridiculous 5 minute timer that completely sucks all the time.
  11. zeph if you want to show someone how to use bbcode you can do it like this. [code][spoiler]text[/spoiler][/code]
  12. I'm not sure if Non Ace Members are able to or not, but if you can, go the top right above the first post and next to 'Reply to this Topic' button there will be 'Topic Moderation'. I know I can delete my own topics from that at least.
  13. If I'm picking one, it's this one.
  14. Radomus doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would want to let someone else dictate the calls of his life. He's an independent and wants to control his own fate.
  15. Personally I've always found scarves to very appealing on women. Way better than the skimpy party dresses they'll wear even when it's in the 20's because 'it looks sexy'.... SMH
  16. Wanna be an Ace Member but don't have the cash? Think you can battle with the best of them? Come join this weeks Tournament with a prize of 10,000 rupees and prove yourself. (This tournament sponsored by DestructiveSkitty) http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10856

    1. Jelly


      all hail skitty reborn's local pimp *-*

    2. Lord Bagel

      Lord Bagel

      The rupees don't mean anything...its the 500 posts that's a pain in the ass.

  17. This one is cool. It gives an outlook on just how different extra terrestrial life could be from what we know and understand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_Planet
  18. Please post in this thread with the appropriate info as indicated in the first post. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709
  19. I suppose I ain't got nothing to lose, pencil me in, but no guarantees I'll be able to make it.
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