Hey bro, hows it hangin? Anyways, if you have any questions about the forum, don't hesitate to ask any of the forum staff, Minerva, or me.
Side Note: I've never even heard of Godra before.
There's a pokemart that appears after beating Sera just outside the entrance to Tanzan mountain and the Railnet (Before the Chrysolia forrest). Go in there and buy an item named 'Medicine' and take to the woman in Spinel Town. She'll give you the sticker.
Based on the pokemon you don't want to use, I'd suggest a Fire Starter.
If you're not too fond of Infernape's fragility. You can opt for the slower Emboar.
I'll make it short and sweet, my battling experiences on Showdown are MUCH more enjoyable. I have never done the socializing portion on there though and don't know what the chat is like, but I trust your judgment.
That's not a problem, but please don't double post. Next time you can edit the post by going to the bottom right corner of the post you already made and clicking the 'EDIT' button next to quote and multi-quote.
Well you have your 2nd badge IIRC, so maybe just grind some first. Evolve Kirlia. Really train Panpour. The team as a whole looks relatively solid for this point in the game.
No Magby and Elekid will never hold their final evo items. This was changed between episodes 8 and 9 I believe. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10799&hl=magmarizer
Just save before you use it and soft reset, it will get speed boost one of those times.
Venomoth needs to be grinded a bit and it can set up if you send it in at the right time. I still think Hawlucha is your best bet here.
Prior to 4th badge (Kiki)
Location(s) Pyrous Mountain (South West of the Apophyll Academy)
Key Items: None This area is GREAT for training anything ground or water type. Magcargo's give quite a bit of experience for this point in the game and you can keep killing them over and over. Just leave the cave and come right back in. Rock and Fighting types can also do well here, but Magcargo does have a high defense. With a pokecenter in the vicinity to, this can be used to train very easily on end. Previous Locations to consider: Under the Grand Staircase (Unown)