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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. See: Hilda's Necro Posting thread. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10153
  2. IIRC, Amethyst said about 20 episodes maybe one or two more. Postgame included.
  3. You can choose me, just don't poke me. Rose.
  4. in XY I run one with King's Shield, Spore, Quiver Dance, Baton Pass. Works well usually.
  5. A bear doesn't sleep, it hibernates. EXlink Rose can poke me if she wants. I'm used to it. Any dude pokes me, their finger is coming off.
  6. Did somebody say 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?' One more thing that needs to be addressed, in the event that there is a large time period between posts say multiple weeks. I think double posting should NOT be frowned upon. Otherwise no one would notice theres new content to view in the thread. Just my $.02 From the Forum rules thread by Amethyst. That's regarding Necro posting, not double posting.
  7. Hey always good to have more peoples input on shiny sprite recoloring. Just a couple things you should know. 1. Please provide front and back sprites. 2. All sprite files for pokemon should be 160x160 pixels 3. Save them as .PNG files. Other than that go crazy. Amethyst will usually give an initial post of what she would like to see, but is often open to ideas. If you have any questions regarding the game, or the forum, don't hesitate to ask, and you also check out the handy dandy FAQ.
  8. Today I learned, women have balls, they're just on their chests.
  9. Well look who signed up for the forum! Stop beating me with monotypes Either way, if you have questions ask me, or anyone else whatever you need to know. Someone will have an answer and solution for you I'm sure.
  10. If you want help with your team specifically for Corey, you should post here http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709
  11. Instead of a gif, could possibly post a before/after image side by side?
  12. I actually retook the test a month ago and got INTP with a 10% lean on Prospecting. Just didn't post the different results.
  13. I suppose I'll take that as a compliment..
  14. Even though I'm lanky and underweight?
  15. Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal What is your THEME song?
  16. That's pretty scary, because that's fairly close to what mine was like besides the Assertiveness.
  17. Camerupt > Torkoal > Magcargo
  18. Well in the future. I'd describe it as 'The American Dream' to keep it short. Just have a job I enjoy and a family of my own without any real life restrictions. Any day you're alive is a good one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dream The American Dream is becoming more and more a Dream in recent years than a reality though. What gets you through the tough times?
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