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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I think it's more AmexDanxEssentials14, Ame says she's been keeping Dan busy.
  2. Hmmm, Band and Football, like how's that gonna work? Do you wear the feather on top of your helmet??? That's pretty cool though. Also, don't worry about the late thread. I still have never made one either. Good to have you man.
  3. Download Pokemon Online and you'll find plenty of us to battle and talk to on the Pokemon Reborn server. http://pokemon-online.eu/pages/download/
  4. I assumed as much, but the way you went about it was over the top. Jokes are good, but you need to know when it's been enough. Also it's easier to get away with jokes as such with people who know you better, I'm sure if you're still around a year from now, we'll all be more tolerable of such because we'll know you better.
  5. Well being a pig to the women here, most certainly isn't the way to rectify that. Did you ever make an introduction thread in the Grand Hall?
  6. This is all a dream, just wake up....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ikaru


      someday the dream will end

    3. Flux


      ^Loved that game.

    4. Tacos


      Jerry are you having the same nightmare I had? :o

  7. I've already said this numerous times, if anyone needs help with math, I'm more than happy to oblige, however that doesn't mean I'm going to do your entire assignment for you.
  8. You don't need a 'ship' to know who your friends are.
  9. Neo, I listened to about a minute and a half of each song, the ones that I thought were the best out of the bunch were Story I Tell, Nawfside, All Good. But I probably won't ever go out of my way to listen to any of it again though. This seems like a southern group if I ever heard one. They CAN flow, but too often it's interrupted by just something that ruins some it's potential in my opinion. But that's how a lot of southern rap is. Always been partial to the west coast as a whole myself.
  10. Sometimes you eat the cow, sometimes the cow eats you...
  11. I can respect that, I listened to the first song, I think the closest I think I like to that album you posted is 3 six mafia.
  12. Tech N9ne - Worldwide Choppers Different style that's for sure.
  13. This time you chooseded right. I had my Nanoelectronics exam last time. Night Rose.
  14. So basically..... you wasted everyone's time, *sigh*....
  15. I don't think that's how it went down... ucwutididthar? Real talk though, this thread went from kind of amusing to just flat out creepy.
  16. Today I learned, a whole lot about Nanoelectronics and the composition of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors, or MOSFET's.
  17. I've come back to a whole heck of an argument here. Jeez, well I don't think there's anything I can really say that hasn't been said. I will clarify one thing. Babies typically can have brainwaves detected after 6 weeks from conception. The child is 'alive' from conception, I'd personally say they're a 'person' at the point where brain waves can be detected. Neo you said even corpses, who are in face DEAD, have rights, so why does an unborn child not deserve those same rights? A corpse would likely sit and rot, it can't fend for itself, yet it gets rights, so to deny something that actually is ALIVE those same rights, is outright hypocritical. PSA: I do like discussing politics and social rights in this thread, but if it continues on the way it has recently coming very close to breaking the rules, it will more than likely have to be shut down, so lets keep it civil please.
  18. Glad you were able to find the answer to your problem, but please don't double post. Edit your old one instead.
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