I've come back to a whole heck of an argument here. Jeez, well I don't think there's anything I can really say that hasn't been said. I will clarify one thing. Babies typically can have brainwaves detected after 6 weeks from conception. The child is 'alive' from conception, I'd personally say they're a 'person' at the point where brain waves can be detected. Neo you said even corpses, who are in face DEAD, have rights, so why does an unborn child not deserve those same rights? A corpse would likely sit and rot, it can't fend for itself, yet it gets rights, so to deny something that actually is ALIVE those same rights, is outright hypocritical. PSA: I do like discussing politics and social rights in this thread, but if it continues on the way it has recently coming very close to breaking the rules, it will more than likely have to be shut down, so lets keep it civil please.