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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yeah put him in the box with all the other fairies. Hmmmmmmmm. Skys
  2. My two cents on it. Mael wins though.
  3. Sure it is, just don't put the XY into the XX. If you're that worried about the 1 in 1000 chance of it failing. Then that shouldn't be too difficult, the child who didn't ask to be brought into this world in the first place, why should they have to suffer?
  4. http://www.pamf.org/teen/sex/birthcontrol/bcpill.html Those numbers reflect number of pregnancies per year. So if done used correctly, only 1 out of 1000 women on the pill will get pregnant in an entire year. It's also possible to y'know, be abstinent if those odds aren't good enough for you.
  5. There are plenty of ways to prevent undesired pregnancies. And even then its better to put them up for adoption then to kill them. And from what I've heard the point where the fetus starts to yield brain waves is about the end of the first trimester. If its too hard to deal with, then don't get knocked up. I can only PERSONALLY accept abortion in the cases of rape or danger to the health of the child or mother. If you get knocked up, you reap what you sew.
  6. Cow I already took care of it for you. Just go on Skype.
  7. I think this is enough to hold Absol captive TBH.
  8. Because it is in fact the ending of someone elses life. The biggest controversy comes in that when does the organism start to have cognitive brain waves, and is it a 'person' before hand. I don't support abortion, unless there are EXTREME circumstances.
  9. k os - The Love Song Atmosphere - To All My Friends Hey people please put the videos in spoilers as to reduce lag on the page. But there are many others I could definitely consider, but those are the first two that come to mind.
  10. You may be crazy, but you're not mad. (insane)
  11. I used to be one of those people who say 'OH YOU HAVE TO VOTE, IT'S YOUR OBLIGATION TO DO SO'. But then I started looking at it like this. Voting, is choosing who gets to decide many facets of my life for me, I'm not going to choose to be put on a leash and controlled. Republicans? Democrats? Just labels, they both want to force you to live your lives in certain ways and believe they know what's better for you than you do. I want to be free to make my own decisions in life, to do as I please with what I possess. Just because YOU think something is bad, doesn't mean you should ban other people from doing it. You think guns are bad? Don't own guns. You think abortion is bad? Don't have an abortion. You think drugs are bad? Don't do drugs... etc. As much as I think drugs and abortion are terrible things, who am I to tell someone else that they are not allowed to have them? I would even promote reasons as to why people shouldn't have abortions, but trying to make it law is not the right answer. As for the current political layout, I think it will now be perfect. As much as gridlock is publicly demonized by the media, it's not all that bad. It allows the private sector to continue to develop accordingly without new, often times ridiculous, regulations. It severely reduces the Government's ability to create new ways to control us. On a separate note, the Grand OLD party, has to adapt to the newly developing social norms if they want to really take back the presidency. There's a far greater turn out in the presidential election and much of the vote of the younger generation depends on it. They don't have to completely be social liberal, but at least find some middle ground, if they hope to win the vote.
  12. Kanye West - All of the lights The beat is what got me to like this song.
  13. Eh, I don't really feel that accurately portrays me, but if that's how you want to think about me then go right ahead. I don't really care xD Life became so much better when I stopped letting things bother me so much.
  14. I already forgot what a Tsuwhateveritis is.
  15. [Ground] Gym Leader Jericho: So it seems you've arrived. I expected as much, but I was hoping you wouldn't. Conflict isn't particularly in my nature, but I've got a job to do here. Lets make this quick. Ace: Flygon, Supporting Pokemon: Quagsire, Mamoswine I'll give one final push., Well at least it's over now., Maybe now you'll let there be peace. Dig - Tremor Badge [steel] Gym Leader Jason: It's marvelous isn't it? What the world has become, modern society. Travel, shelter, weaponry, all revolutionized by this wondrous alloy. Now allow me to show you it's power in battle! Ace: Excadrill, Supporting Pokemon: Skarmory, Empoleon We shall lead everyone to the future!, It seems there are some things not even steel can withstand., Rebuild and come back stronger than you did before! Steel Wing - Alloy Badge [Fire] Gym Leader Felix: They say the world was born of fire, and so shall it one day return, in the mean time I plan to harness it's immense ferocity. If you think you can withstand the flames, let me demonstrate it's fury in the heat of battle! Ace: Infernape, Supporting Pokemon: Houndoom, Talonflame It's time to turn the heat up!, Man, I guess I burned out., Can't stand the heat, get out of my face! Flame Charge - Inferno Badge
  16. Please don't double post. Go here and down to the question about multiple quotes. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638
  17. What's your favorite color?
  18. I summon THE Destroyer in Fuckshitup mode! Charizard, kthxbai
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