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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. With Gen 6 lets re-evaluate this. Philosopher Jericho - So it seems you've come to challenge me to a battle. Tell me, have you ever wondered WHY we battle? Is it to display superiority? To claim something belonging to the opponent? To SURVIVE? Or is it just because we know nothing else, other than how to cause hatred and suffering? If you look back throughout history we, as a species, have been tearing ourselves apart since our days of origin. Regardless of my feelings on the matter, I have an obligation to fulfill here. Prepare yourself. Type: Ground Ace: Flygon (Scarf, U-Turn set) Other Team Members: Hippowdon, Excadrill, Quagsire, Gliscor, Nidoking
  2. Deleted User

    Focus Sash

    http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9998&hl=%2Bfocus+%2Bsash Learn the search bar if you have questions. It's to the top left. Not to be confused with the status bar below it.
  3. Nah, if you look hard enough there's an obvious bread crumb trail. In the sprites folder, you'll find a picture of Two Haxoruses (Mommy and Daddy), you kill it's parents and take it with you from the egg.
  4. They can be found in mineable rocks and/or using blast powder on already mined rocks, but they are rare so if you really want one, save at a rock before mining it and soft reset.
  5. Vegeta is probably like 5'9" 133 lbs if you include hair. LOL
  6. Rise Against - Hero of War The truth about war.
  7. As near as I can tell he is in fact correct, it happens on switch-in, but nothing is official yet. Most likely path for now is for Reborn to wait and see since Groudon and Kyogre will be non-factors anyway.
  8. Regardless the code shouldn't be that difficult to do.
  9. That probably won't be an Episode 14 thing, but that doesn't seem THAT hard to implement consider there's already Mega in this game.
  10. Nope. *Walks to the 100 Acre Wood* Kyra, just try and stop me.
  11. Hello all! Are you having a tough time with a Gym Leader? In this thread you can ask for help from your fellow Reborn players as to how to best go about getting over that hump. Please fill out the below information to the best of your ability so that we can know what you have at your disposal. (Format optional) [[Leader you are facing]] --Your current team-- [species] | [Level] [Hold Item] [Ability] [Nature] - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 ((Do this for each of your 6 current party members)) ---- --Other Pokemon you have in your PC-- [species] | [Level] ---- Additional useful info such as money available, items you currently may have if they're relevant etc. (This is completely optional) Hopefully with the advice you get here, you can conquer your enemy and progress forward on your quest!
  12. It could be possible to do, but in all honesty, I think it's not worth the trouble it'd take for the Dev team to implement it and you already have the notification at the beginning of the battle as well as the background. Additionally, that'd probably take up additional screen space from the battle field, and the rocks breaking off the HUD is pretty much definitely not doable. Sorry to say it, but as a whole this concept is impractical at best.
  13. I may have just set a record for worst hax in a battle. 3 SHEER COLDS hit in a row.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Azeria


      In all seriousness though,that's just mean.

    4. Commander


      I guess that tops when I missed 5 sleep powders in a row.

  14. Even easier, just use a Heart Scale with the move re-learner.
  15. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638 I'd strongly advise against reverting, especially with Pre Gen 6 episodes, just so many things that could go wrong. If you do, PLEASE back-up your save file before doing so.
  16. Why do you feel about it? It's mixed incredibly well.
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