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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Ah yes the good old Will Power. Mind over matter. How mentally powerful, or tough one is.
  2. Kingdea, Quagsire, and Azumarill immediately come to mind. Azumarill (A police officer will trade you an Azurill for a growlithe in the police station in Jasper Ward) Quagsire (Wooper and Quagsire can both be found on Azurine Island) Kingdra (Horsea can be caught with a good rod in Ametrine mountain, and %5 of the time they will hold a Dragon Scale to evolve it into Kingdra)
  3. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6802
  4. Do you have the itemfinder yet? Use it everywhere, you'll find a couple. If you don't have it, go to the nature center on the Northwest corner of Route 1 at the research center. Talk to the scientists, one of them gives it to you.
  5. I'm what now? I need to get Cocaine for my bear friends. Mik
  6. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - John Dalberg-Acton Those who seek power also seek or will inevitably seek to control others. This is a fact. Power isn't as good as its made out to be. For every person in power that you hear great stories and lore, there are most likely a multitude of untold stories of misery and peril. "History is written by the victors." - Winston Churchill You don't need to be in a position of power to do right by the world and make it a better place, and ultimately if that were the goal of everyone in this world, we could solve most of the worlds many problems, but you have to realize the world isn't a perfect place, and unfortunately not all people are saints. I applaud you for trying to make the world a better place in your own way. Remember, don't lose sight of you truly are. Always take time to reflect upon your origin and where you started. Are you still along that path?
  7. Chandelure has more than ample Special Attack, it'd probably enjoy the speed boot from Timid more than anything else.
  8. Rename your original save file to just 'game.rxdata' and the nuzlocke just 'nuzlocke.rxdata' If you accidentally overwrote it, there's nothing that can be done.
  9. in b4 every team has a talonflame and Greninja.
  10. Normal Pokemon (AKA his entire team) are immune to ghost type attacks, and that's the only kind of attacks Cofagrigus can learn to this point in the game. Hence why I suggested additional moves to help stall his pokemon out. If you go the Onyx Ward, west of the Arcade you can find a move relearner who will teach old moves for a Heart Scale. If you have none you can find some occasionally on Luvdisc in the lake right there next to Noel if you go fisihing with a Good Rod.
  11. Swampert -Earthquake -Surf/Muddy Water -Hammer Arm -Endeavor/Protect
  12. Hmm, I suggest making trade access available only after a certain point later in the game. It'd be easy enough to implement code wise if you can get the trading system to work, which would be the difficult part. Do you have a general idea of how to implement the trading system Dan?
  13. Excuse me, I forgot it existed, because I swept Charlotte 6-0 first try . But Typhlosion doesn't get drought. It doesn't change the advice though.
  14. Well you made the new save right? Try moving it to the Saved Games/Reborn folder specified above and then try opening the game.
  15. You can get Rain Dance. Go to route 3 and find a Bronzong, then go to agate circus with a heart scale and make it re learn Rain Dance. Make sure Bronzong is Heatproof though. Rhydon is good so long as the sun is gone. Luxray and Purugly are really poor pokemon in my opinion. Also Delphox isn't going to be able to do much with all those fire moves. Get rid of Fire Blast or Flamethrower for Shadow Ball. She doesn't have a Typhlosion, but I know you meant Ninetales.
  16. I'm gonna have to send everyone on the Dev team a care package after this latest fiasco lol.
  17. Got have that raging pump up music.
  18. Yeah outside of paying the money to rebuild the bridge the episode 13 story line has been completed. Ame and company are hard at work on E14 as we speak though.
  19. The team looks good outside of Luxray. It's a pretty poor mon in Reborn even compared to Gamefreak's games.
  20. I doubt this will be enough to take down Kiki. There are plenty of flying type pokemon that can be caught on top the rooftop garden in Onyx Ward. You can also trade for an Abra somewhere (Not sure where exactly). Garbodor could be a good pokemon with Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray to lead off with (Unless she leads with Medicham). Weezing also makes for a good physical wall. That's the first few things to come to mind.
  21. Oh jeez that's really hard to read. The save file isn't there, or it says it's corrupt? If it's simply 'not there' check Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Username] > Saved Games > Pokemon Reborn - Do you see any '.rxdata' files there? Is there one named game.rxdata?
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