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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Storywise I could see Bennett being in the E4. But his team would like need serious beefy muscle added to it as a whole. Like Heracross, the obvious Volcarona, Titania has Scizor, so I don't know if his Scyther would evolve.
  2. Always been a firm believer of 'Actions speak louder than words' or in this case heritage. Now if I see a couple of hoodlum looking types, black OR white coming towards me, you'd better believe I'm getting mentally prepared to reach for my Springfield 1911.
  3. It's not just the police forces to be fair. However I believe that as the years go on and the old crones pass away, the issue will continue to become smaller and smaller. You can't ever expect to completely eliminate racism. It'd be like trying to eliminate the common cold from existence.
  4. I'm well aware that racism is very well indeed still a thing and if you look back on my posts you'd see that quite clearly, but it'd help your case if you didn't generalize so much and make it seem as if ALL white people are racist. Even if that's not the point your trying to make, often times that's the way it comes across.
  5. You could say just as the looters of the Fergusson protestors that you are demonizing an entire demographic, due to the actions of a very small portion that act with extreme bigotry and inhumane behavior.
  6. From this thread http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10499&hl=glaceon#entry211698 Apparently it's in a cave in the Adventurine Forest.
  7. I'm about to do that for like 4 or 5 European Languages tomorrow haha.
  8. Well unless you count former leaders, it can be pretty much narrowed down to these In my opinion. Hardy Aya Serra Shelley - (I like your theory) Titania - (Connections already speculated) Amaria - (This seems like a classic shocker plot twist)
  9. Maybe because I changed her title to Christine....? Payback's an itch. Any day now Hilda will make me pay....
  10. There are quite a few especially if you're using the Itemfinder. You'll find more than enough to teach moves and buy pokemon their 'Freedom' from 7th street.
  11. https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1458528_808126109225644_9127044224918657613_n.jpg?oh=16dee262ad311fbcd5218e6fd9fc9356&oe=54EB4B88 https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10645032_808035685901353_4375231328772642299_n.jpg?oh=8874ca593943cac29ea28a2b9a57f421&oe=54DC6009 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11374_807656102605978_6234352380285577585_n.jpg?oh=92e595eea663c926f4aa5fec0857bdcb&oe=54B1D98C&__gda__=1425240305_601c94ff9327650efe9c29717bdc9567 https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10153097_804790549559200_1031419638887888614_n.jpg?oh=fefd600b0e37a1e2e19946403b54e3b0&oe=54DD23A4
  12. Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes on (Instrumental w/Hook) Anti-Flag - This is the End
  13. Rose went to sleep. Hilda's still up though. #TheStruggle
  14. He mas multiple fire pokes, I think he'll be alright.
  15. TFW, you helped somebody (23:56:59) Jericho: Do you know how to locate your save file? (23:57:03) guest277963888: *note to self* Get a better Laptop (23:57:14) +Inumuta: #Kraid4Smash (23:57:17) guest277963888: ya read that one in the FAQ game.rxdata file right (23:57:18) I AM Kadeira: lol (23:57:28) +Godojira: Ridley is best Metroid Rep (23:57:30) Jericho: oh already wow, this makes me happy
  16. Well from what I can see I'd go with Graveler Graveler Braixen Pyroar Onix Flaffy And grind them all to at least 32. Lead off with the more powerful Graveler assuming Shelly still leads with Dwebble.
  17. Unfortunately no, as of right now that's the only Tropius available to capture. Unless you feel like resetting to your previous save, you're out of luck on the Tropius front. Pro Tip: If you ever see a pokemon in the overworld, save before battling it.
  18. Yes and yes. I don't remember the specific location, but I do remember seeing them somewhere.
  19. Do I REALLY want to answer to THAT? I've never understood why Japanese use gender suffixes like that. Explain PWB
  20. Damn I had hoped to keep that affair a secret, ya got me.
  21. Damn, Zeph beat me to that EXACT thing.
  22. I'd have to go with Steelix, too many 4x weaknesses for Aggron IMO.
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