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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. There is also said to likely be two more games in Gen 6, either a FireRed LeafGreen remake, or a X2, Y2 possibly in another region. Should expect to see more megs then too, possibly for some expected ones that don't get it in ORAS
  2. Yup, it will almost certainly have to do with that Egg we see visible in a cave on Route 2. Also notice there are TWO Haxoruses. Mommy and Daddy.
  3. Eyyyyy Rose. Feeling better since a few days ago?
  4. You can keep going further east. More so than that. Here is a thread that may be useful to you. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10499
  5. *Deletes all evidence of awful name* 'DieWahrePaare'? #EveryDayImStrugglin
  6. Wait what do you mean we're too late...? What am I supposed to do with all this junk!?
  7. Thanks for the vote of confidence bro. LOL 'WHUT' 'We hate U Texas'
  8. 1. I like this 2. I said I was sorry xD 3. See #2. I'll be back with suggestions in a while
  9. Well look what the kosher kitten dragged in. nope just a bear. Cow
  10. Don't In all seriousness take it one battle at a time, don't rush, and always have as many healing items as possible. Think about your starter only for the first two gyms or so. (Electric and Grass)
  11. For the pokemon between 60-70 I'd say train Route 3/4 and the caves of Route 3, depending on what types the respective pokemon would best take on.
  12. They may slightly effect the path, but in all likelihood the destination will be the same. See Corey, DArceus, etc.
  13. I've created a new FAQ page to hopefully answer some questions people often ask, please take a look and PM any suggestions to add to it. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638

  14. ^Yeah good luck with that. Hilda will get you when you least expect it.
  15. Ships? Naw I'm good. This is way cooler.
  16. Tropius is also obtainable after the 2nd badge and that early in the game is pretty good base stats.
  17. Well I haven't found one myself personally, and they're purchasable on the 10th floor of the department store which we don't have access to yet. There could be one hidden added in E13, I haven't done much scouting around in E13 just did the storyline.
  18. You the itemfinder EVERYWHERE not just in Aventurine woods. You will almost always find stuff around every corner.
  19. Possible? Yeah anything is possible, but the likelyhood of feelings being genuine or blossoming into something more are quite a bit lower if you ask me.
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