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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yeah he'll have a mega, and if one isn't shown for his post game team, I'd assume it's because it's one of the pokes GF intentionally left out of the code so the hackers couldn't find it. Mega Milotic is most likely a thing.
  2. Du bist nicht sehr gut, aber besser aus mir. (Grammar all sorts of terrible probably) Whoever ninja'd me, I dislike you.
  3. Don't know who that was and don't really want to know, kinda spoiled the hunters for me a bit.
  4. 1. You already have a core 2. You're not in cerulean 3. GET OUT MAH HOUSE
  5. Anyone who is already signed up and does not have a core but would like one, PM me.
  6. A shiny charm isn't really necessary TBH, the odds of getting a shiny are about 1/100 or 85 times more likely than in normal pokemon games.
  7. Forms are included. Which Hoopa is going to receive, we could still see as many as 5 new megas. Somehow I don't think they'll reveal all Mega's before the game is released either.
  8. That Maggie Quote though Still wondering who was driving the Church Mobile.
  9. Every kiss begins with Kay... and ends with Cyanide.

    1. GotWala


      Don't drink the Kool Aid, haha

    2. Chase
  10. If the US truly wanted to invade North Korea they would have done so already. Their ICBM's are the nuclear equivalent of BB Guns. For once the US has been able to leave well enough alone. Now if you were talking about Russia, I could see that. The only thing keeping the world safe from Nuclear War, is ironically the fear of Nuclear War and M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction
  11. I can't fathom that Milotic and Flygon won't get Mega's
  12. مرحبا بكم في المجتمع . أفترض أنك من الجزائر ؟ أنه من الجيد أن يكون لك . نأمل أن يترجم هذا على ما يرام . Welcome to the community. I assume you are from algeria? It's good to have you. Hopefully this translated alright.
  13. Kaito, out of curiosity, how many open slots do you anticipate in this event?
  14. Enough of this google translate people. I don't care what it said it's 'Ich habe keine...' Hilda take this fool to school
  15. Forum Name: Jericho Length of time on Reborn: 1.5 years roughly Favorite game genre: FPS Hobbies: Teaching, Philosophy, Psychology Notable skills: GREAT driver in any conditions Best Trait: Loyalty Worst Trait: Not incredibly tolerant of a select few for rational or irrational reason Describe yourself in one sentence, long or short it doesn't matter: Generally a tame person, but if push comes to shove, I will not hesitate to absolutely massacre those threatening me or those I consider my friends. Why we should pick you to play Survivor Reborn: The list is too long, it'd be quicker to list the reasons not to pick me.
  16. Sounds rather interesting. This is what you've been keeping from us all this time.
  17. Sources say it's post Aya, meaning you have to go to the wasteland and beat Aya at her gym first. Ame confirms weather/time of day are irrelevant for this event.
  18. I think you have to leave Azurine Island and then return (Perhaps after defeating Kiki? Not sure about that). You'll also need to show the man there a Chimecho assuming that hasn't changed. Chingling can be found under the grand staircase, which you can evolve into Chimecho.
  19. Just a friendly reminder. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10511
  20. We'd love to have any of you in Cerulean. Jelly(Cerise) and Wash collaborated this effort, but it's up to you to decide what you'd like to do though.
  21. Greetings from Far Cry 3 Skrillex ft. Damian Marley - Make it Bun Dem
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