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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Welcome, back? Glad to see another Anon supporter.
  2. Try PMing it to upload it again, if that doesn't work PM me and I'll give you my E-Mail and I'll see if we can get something to work from there.
  3. Hold your head high boys, you played well. #WeAre #WhiteOut

  4. Electric isn't neutral if you used Rain Dance and turn into water form.
  5. Super Tank Furfrou @ Leftovers Ability: Fur Coat Careful Nature EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 SpD -Rest -Sucker Punch -Cotton Guard -Return
  6. If we're strictly talking for revenge killing purposes. I'd suggest Retaliate > Return. In revenge killing situations, Retaliate's BP is 140 as opposed to the 102 of Return.
  7. Hi. Bye. Going Grocery shopping don't guess me for two more hours at least. Corner
  8. I'm assuming you mean in game in this? Power-Up Punch and U-Turn are not yet available in the game IIRC. If this meant to be a competitive set, then this is in the wrong place. If you're looking to discuss the competitive aspect of Furret please post it here in the research center with the thread for Furret. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=639
  9. Castform in general is just a bad pokemon though. I mean I suppose you could go. Rain Dance Hydro Pump And 2 other moves but Rotom H will outspeed and likely kill with an electric move.
  10. Trevenant is now obtainable as Phantumps can be found on route 3. Otherwise a couple of good Bulky Ghost pokemon are Dusclops/noir and Cofagrigus.
  11. Well surprisingly enough. Bronzong learns it through level up. You can catch one at fairly high levels on Route 3. Then go to the Agate circus and use a Heart Scale to re learn it. Disclaimer: Make sure to get a heatproof Bronzong.
  12. I also kind of like Morty to use sometimes come to think of it. Ecruteak was probably my favorite city in gen 2.
  13. Hmm well the first two pokemon need to be Grinded, and I don't think Pyroar will take you very far against Charlotte. The classic strategy is to teach a pokemon Rain Dance, and your best pokemon for that right now would be Greninja, I'd probably take off Lick for that. As for Pokemon swaps? I'd suggest taking out Pyroar for a trained up Floatzel. Does your Ninetales have drought? You don't want that in this battle, it will only help her. Once you get rid of the sun with Rain, you can easily leave Krookodile in to EQ everything, but it'd probably be best if you had something to go along side it that is immune to it like a Flying type.
  14. Oh I was unaware that it was updated the first time.
  15. It helps to have a friend to turn to in times of need. It's even better when you have a whole, wonderful community you can turn to and share common interests with. I'm glad you were able to make it over the hump that is this tough time in your life. I've known a few people myself that I went to high school with who were not so fortunate. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be more than happy to listen.
  16. With that +1 that is. Either way back on topic. So this OP is a WWE reference? The only WWE wrestler I like is gone now. MACHO MAN!!!
  17. My mission for this weekend, to learn how to change my own car's oil.

    1. GotWala


      Good show, man! I can't work with cars worth anything, but I'm fortunate enough to know a lot of guys who can, haha!

    2. Jelly


      it's rly not that hard. $20 and a youtube video and you'll be good to go.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      My mission for this sem break: Learn how to drive a car. Steal one, maybe, cause I don't have my own car yet /shot

  18. Hey there bro, you're certainly a character, you'll fit right in here.
  19. Based on what fields are out, the remaining types and situation of the story currently, My guess would be Hardy.
  20. So wait Earthquake does 75 or 25 Base Damage?? x0.25 decrease, so *.75 right?
  21. I want to see a good ol slap boxing match in an old west story, don't know if that's too specific or not.
  22. Yeah if it went Global, North Korea would likely suffer up there with the worst of them. #Irony
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