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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. it's too late, aaron you dingus

  2. Plants on my desk, and I suck at holding the camera steady.
  3. Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. YOU might not like it, but there are plenty of people who do. It never bothered me personally because what I primarily look for in a game is game play. Reborn offered a challenge far better than the main series game and that's why I enjoyed it.
  4. This thread will detail all of the potential warnings and their respective consequences: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21298

    1. Tempest


      So I tried to get myself banned... that would be bad, right?

    2. CURIE


      I find it ironic that ROM hacks are against the rules when they constitute at least half of Pokemon fan games. Probably more.

  5. Yes it was Weavile, my mistake. I know this isn't some super good thing but I'm not going to bother with a run of the mill RMT with 6 common mons like Lando-T, Heatran, Normal Scizor etc. That's not worth my time. I made this one because I had fun doing so.
  6. It has come to the attention of the auth team that there is nothing that lets users know the amount of warning points they can receive for breaking a rule, and the amount of time that the point remains in effect. That is why we have decided to make a visible list of each of these infractions visible to the user base. Listed below are the various warnings that can be given for rule infractions, the amount of points that accompany them, the length that the point stays active, and a brief generic explanation that details the basics of why the warning was issued. Moderators do NOT alter these parameters upon issuing a warning, and they will adhere to how they are listed below. Etiquette Non-English Discussion - 0 Points Needless Double-Posting - 0 Points Unnecessary Posting - 0 Points Off-topic Posting - 0 Points Unnecessary Necro/Bump - 0 Points Public Call-out - 0 Points Spoilers! - 0 Points Posting in Wrong Section - 0 Points Chat Flooding - 0 Points Debug Dealing - 0 Points Etiquette Repeat Double-Posting (Repeat Offense) - 1 Points (30 Days) Unnecessary Posting (Repeat Offense - 1 Points (30 Days) Unnecessary Necro/Bump (Repeat Offense) - 1 Points (30 Days) Off-topic Posting (Repeat Offense) - 1 Points (30 Days) Minor Disrespect (minor) - 1 Point (90 Days) Derogatory Language - 1 Point (90 Days) Disrespect (gaming) - 1 Point (90 Days) Advertising - 1 Point (60 Days) Sexual Content (minor) - 1 Point (30 Days) Inappropriate Name - 2 Points (90 Days) Inappropriate Profile - 2 Points (90 Days) Spam - 1 Points (75 Days) Minecraft General - 1 Points (90 Days) Trolling - 1 Point (90 Days) Evasion Assist - 1 Point (90 Days) Moderate Piracy!- 1 Point (90 Days) Disrespect (moderate) - 2 points (135 days) Harassment - 2 Points (60 Days) Sexual Content (moderate) - 3 Points (150 Days) Major Disrespect (major) - 3 Points (180 Days) Sexual Content (major) - 5 Points (365 Days) Evasion - 5 Points (365 Days) Threat of Harm - 5 Points (365 Days)
  7. 5/10, it's well drawn, but I've never liked the dichromatic eye thing animes do.
  8. We hadn't considered the use of Stick Barb before. and we weren't keen on both Poison Types and Steel types having to be burned and unable to really utilize physical attacks. This also reduces the number of necessary bans.
  9. We've decided to overhaul the challenge, Pokemon must now hold a Sticky Barb. The bans list has changed, many things are gone, but what notably has been added is Knock off and Fling.
  10. OK so, running all these pokemon choiced, I can already tell you right now that anything with protect is going to gives you fits. Especially Ferrothorn, yes I know V-Create, Flare Blitz, HJK, but if you use HJK against protect you're losing 50% of your HP, Flare Blitz well it can just switch out into something that resists it whether that be like a slowbro or a Heatran or what have you. All of your pokemon are physical attackers it's good to have some mixture in there. I don't see the reasoning for Ice Punch on Azumarill over say Superpower. Waterfall/Play Rough with STAB will do almost as much regardless to whatever you're going to hit with Ice Punch, I mean I guess gras types? I just think overall Superpower is better for Azumarills traditional threats that it can't otherwise hit.
  11. Yes it's that time of the year again, where everyone's favorite auth/gazelle becomes older. Thanks for being there man, you're like a little brother to me and one of the people who matter the most to me here at Reborn. You put in good work around here and I'm very grateful for everything you do. Things certainly have changed for the better with you on the team.
  12. This just in: Arkhidon is a seamonkey. [20:18:13] %TF Ark: if that means being a seamonkey, that's fine I guess

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I know... my getting stuffed is really improtant for my mood Mde. It's a big deal.

    3. Tacos


      We are good sea monkeys we promise

    4. Godot


      I am more like a sea koala.

  13. I'm sorry breelom, I should have closed this thread, but you can no longer sign up for PokeNations 2
  14. Well, Vaporeon is banned, didn't realize that one. And Rain Dish is banned due to the fact that your opponent could have a pokemon that induces that weather.
  15. I'm not sure exactly what you mean. That's given in the rules itself. Thanks That's too specific and unlikely to happen if you ask me.
  16. Ah thanks, still works mostly the same. Fixed the calcs. Can still finish off any close ones with Bullet Punch.
  17. I did a RMT. First time for everything, this one was just fun enough for me to hop on board the bandwagon of RMT.

  18. @ Micle Berry Ability: Technician EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe Adamant Nature - Bullet Punch - U-turn - Natural Gift [ROCK] - Swords Dance @ Leftovers Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 240 HP / 144 Def / 124 SpD Impish Nature - Earthquake - Stealth Rock - Slack Off - Whirlwind @ Life Orb Ability: Contrary EVs: 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 244 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe - Leaf Storm - Dragon Pulse - Glare - Hidden Power [Fire] @ Choice Scarf Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 252 SpA / 28 SpD / 228 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Sludge Wave - Steam Eruption - Overheat - Earth Power @ Life Orb Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Draco Meteor - Psyshock - Defog - Healing Wish @ Life Orb Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Low Kick - Knock Off - Icicle Crash - Ice Shard So I started out with the idea that I wanted to use Natural Gift Scizor and have it lure something in. I considered using berries to give NG Ice, Ground, and Rock, but ultimately decided on Rock as it's the most likely to lure in a correct target such as Charizard (X,Y), Talonflame, Volcanion, Thundurus. 56 speed gives it enough to outspeed a Volcanion with no to little speed creep. 252+ Atk Micle Berry Scizor Natural Gift (100 BP Rock) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard X: 218-258 (73.4 - 86.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock +2 252+ Atk Micle Berry Scizor Natural Gift (100 BP Rock) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Volcanion: 408-482 (112 - 132.4%) 252+ Atk Micle Berry Scizor Natural Gift (100 BP Rock) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Thundurus: 318-376 (106.3 - 125.7%) 252+ Atk Micle Berry Scizor Natural Gift (100 BP Rock) vs. 96 HP / 0- Def Tornadus-T: 322-380 (99.6 - 117.6%) Don't need to calculate Zard Y or Talonflame, they're as good as dead. I might decide to give it more speed depending on the likelihood of Volcanion running speed if it appears to be more prevalent. I gave it U-Turn rather than Bug Bite because aside from the use of Natural Gift, it's not going to stay in very long. It's main function is to lure the aforementioned pokemon. The pivot has proven useful and Swords Dance aside from enabling me to take out Volcanions is also helpful for when something thinks it can just sit there and wall Scizor. Next I realized that yes I absolutely need stealth rocks on this team as I'm going to be doing quite a bit of switching and to get the necessary damage to take down a full HP Zard X. I wanted something bulky not only physically but also specially with recovery. I decided to go with Hippowdon. The EV spread is a standard Smogon one, but I decided to take off Stone Edge for Whirlwind. It means things can't sit there and set up on it, and I don't really need the rock coverage with Scizor as well as some of the other coverage moves I'm running on my team. With my hazard setter in place, I looked to shore up my lines with something that can hit things Scizor can not. i.e. Rotom Wash, Quagsire, Manaphy, Keldeo. (Mostly Rotom). So hence the Serperior. I'm definitely still right now considering running a sub/leftovers set over Glare, but I like the additional power of Life Orb. I chose the first 3 attacks and then figured I had a spot open, paralysis is always helpful. the 12 SpD was there because well I didn't need the little bit of speed to outspeed anything really to my knowledge. Moving along to Volcanion. I wanted something to deal with the god damned Scalds. This thing has good coverage and power, why not? Let me give it a scarf and enough speed to outspeed Mega Manectric/Lopunny and call it a day. With Volcanion in the mix and the fact that I'm doing a lot of switching, I'm going to want something to deal with Rocks on my side as well as manage Ground and Electric type attacks that could hurt Volcanion. Enter Latias. Healing Wish may or may not be optimal with this team because Weavile isn't usually going to stay in long enough to risk being burnt, but it can help in a pinch. Lastly, I just needed something that hit physical really hard. Knock Off is always good. Bisharp? Mmmmm too slow for my liking and it has many common weaknesses with the rest of my team as is. Weavile is good, always serves well as a late game cleaner. So there's my thought process when creating this team, it's the first RMT I've done so go easy on me senpai. Exportable:
  19. Nope. You are not to recover HP or heal from your status in this battle.
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