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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. It depends on how you pronounce Decibel really. De-si-belle or De-si-bull Big difference between the two if you ask me. Ari sounds completely feminine to me, short for Ariana
  2. Oh I want to add an unwritten rule anyone who watches these movies has to do it with... *SHUDDERS* ....the lights OFF. I have an exam on Halloween from 8:15-10:30 and then probably some plans later, as well as an IJM club halloween party/fundraiser the following night so I probably won't be around for any of it.
  3. Jeepers Creepers 2. That's the one that really got to me.
  4. Mael may look intimidating, but he's a nice dude though.
  5. I'll do the vote count myself tonight more than likely to avoid any possible confusions.
  6. I wish you and the rest of our current, former, and former troops the best. Teaching can be interesting, so long as you enjoy what it is you plan to teach, what level and subject were you thinking of at the time? I really think that you and I will get along personality wise as well. We need more people like us. One country I'd highly recommend going to if you're ever presented the opportunity to do so is Switzerland, it's absolutely gorgeous at the alps and the nice small towns they have. Finally, I admire how much you strive to be self-sufficient. Even if it isn't always working out right now, you'll be sure to do fine later on in life man. For the next 5 months or so you'll be around, we're glad to have you man.
  7. TFW I just had dinner two hours ago, so why am I starving now?

  8. Major potential spoiler, view at own risk.
  9. I believe that was meant of who had cores to battle with.
  10. To any ONE person, and he is not allowed to DIRECTLY discuss a player's identity.
  11. I'm being very lenient about the editing of posts in this game because this is the first time and so far no one's tried to pull any shenanigans, but c'mon guys. Oi vee.
  12. Hilda...... you're scaring me. I think you need to see Rose and just talk it all out.
  13. For the record, claiming a role is completely allowed, posting a PM I sent is not. It is up to the players to decide whether or not the claim is true. How ever if a mass claim starts, I will be forced to shuffle remaining roles amongst living players and you don't want that. http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Massclaim So unless there is direct strategy in claiming a role, please do not do it.
  14. Some people just seem to think their shit doesn't stink.

    1. Sapphire


      You mean Begals douchebaggery?

    2. Sapphire
  15. Jelly, Zephyr, Azery, and Sir Bagel must vote Day 4 or be replaced/killed
  16. It was removed. The people of reborn swarmed the depths of Tanzan mountain and begun to chase Sheep, who was trampled by the giant Steelix. He was Lin. Team meteor, seeking revenge assassinated ExLink with a Pulse Bisharp Sucker Punch. ExLink was Saphira Someone has been silenced. The Ratio is 8:3:1 Night 4 will be 10 EST Monday
  17. Alright Night Time. Anyone who hasn't submitted a power has 20 minutes to do so
  18. Depends have you relapsed in smoking Explo?
  19. It's a classic case of a few bad eggs ruining the omelet, in regard to the looters. The media covers it because it will cause controversy and in turn more views for them, and also more money. The media doesn't give a damn about you or the people it is reporting to and about. The main problem is how everything is reported as black and white (I'm not talking races here). The media fails to clarify the majority which act peacefully and just show the bad.
  20. There is no such limitation to the number of PMs the player may send to any other player. The only restriction is DIRECTLY discussing his or anyone's identity. Yes listing every other living player and saying 'I'm not any of them' would be against the rules.
  21. In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker will be presented, then Saphira will be able to choose to Pardon or not. Since the lynch has yet to be determined.
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