Civilian Specials: Saphira - Can pardon any lynch, Gets an all seeing investigation every 3 nights starting Night 2 Charlotte - Gets a hit every even night. Cain - Gets an Investigation every odd night Anna - Knows the identity of Noel, Gets a protection every night until successfully protecting someone. (Does not kill Anna) Noel - Knows the identity of Anna, may send a PM through me to any player they want (may not directly discuss their identity or Anna's) MAFIA - (Mafia as a whole, by default gets one hit per night) Lin - Immune to investigations (Except all-seeing), Gets one unblockable hit that can be used any night. Solaris - On odd nights he may remove one players vote from the vote count and select a player to be silenced the following day. (meaning that player may only vote, as many times as they please, but not talk) Sirius - Gets an investigation every even night Aster - Gets a roleblock each odd night Other: Shade - Wins by surviving until the end of the game, will be given an investigation each night and in odd nights will get a random power to give to ANY player of his choice. Civillians without powers: Citizens of Reborn 0. Read all the rules. 1. Stay active. Failure to vote for two consecutive days will result in death. Plain and simple. 2. No talking during Nighttime. I will give a small grace period in case you are typing something out, but just don't risk it. 3. Once you die, you are allowed to have one post. Don't post ANYTHING to do with gameplay. Bad things will happen to your team if you try to pull any shenanigans. 4. Don't edit or delete posts. Insta-death and your team will suffer. (This one can not be proven for sure on this forum but consider it the same, if concrete evidence that you have edited a post arises, you'll severely hurt your team. You can't take back what you said in real life) 5. Players cannot communicate with others through any medium other than this thread unless you are specifically allowed to. 6. In the event of a tie there will be an overtime period. If there is still a tie a coin flip will determine the lynch. 7. I will not accept any votes if they aren't in BOLD YELLOW TEXT. No exceptions. 8. Once the voting cutoff time comes, all votes are frozen. No other votes will be counted after this time. If the cutoff time ends at :00, voted marked :00 will NOT be counted. 9. If you believe I have made a mistake, or have been unfair, PM me. 10. Don't post PMs. No exceptions. Think of it as plagiarism, even if you slightly alter my words, it's still against the rules. If you aren't sure, PM me. 11. I reserve the right to change/add rules at any time I see fit. You will be notified if this happens. 12. Keeping an updated vote count will make me happy. 13. You may submit moves before night if you won't be around.
1. Lynch
2. Meteor Hit
3. Meteor and Reborn Powers (Simultaneously) Sign Ups 5. Rosesong 7. Zephyr 11. Sir_Bagel 12. Azery --> ExLink 14. Secundum --> Sparky 15. Jelly
16. Nova (Police Chief) Meteor Hit Night 1
8. Sparky (Charlotte) Lynched Day 1
6. Murdoc (Archie) Meteor Hit Night 2
3. Sheep (Lin) Lynched Day 3
2. ExLink (Saphira) Hit Night 3
9. Felix (Victoria) Lynched Day 4
4. Hukuna (Maxie) Meteor Hit Night 4
17. Chimchain (Solaris) Lynched Day 5
13. Hilda (Anna) Meteor Hit Night 5
10. Neo --> Snap Crackle Pop (Citizen of Reborn) Lynch Day 6
1. Tacos (Citizen of Reborn) Meteor Hit Night 6
Ratio is 3:2:1