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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'm expecting Base speed to be 110 and attack to be 125 w/ Adaptability for things like U-Turn. It definitely won't be OU, and probably not even UU. Maybe RU.
  2. Abbey, is there something you want to tell us
  3. Is this something from new content in E13 storyline, or is it something that was added earlier in the storyline.
  4. I swear ya'll need to ask for me when I'm not doing my Homework or something. Rose, do you even homework?
  5. Once for regular you, once for global mod you.
  6. I won't call it a ship, but I do consider Ark to be like the younger brother I never had. And there's Mythic. #WeFam (Dark Desire, Destructive Skitty, Katio, Sheep, Jory, Jaromir, Sheep, Poe, Murdoc, and Jacze)
  7. Well, genetically isn't that on average true of Asians? Either way, somehow I didn't get it from my parents. Mama Bear is 5'3" and Papa Bear is 5'7", I'm 6'0", go figure.
  8. Sheep, you act as if we should care? Banana phone.
  9. Another anime I lost interest in and just never finished. Never been big on Mecha
  10. Scolipede is also a good option because it learns Toxic through level up, so you can stall it out fairly easily if need be.
  11. Hi, I'm the cranky old uncle... Don't mind me, everyone else is more friendly. Soooo, hi, WE're happy to have you.
  12. Back because Puns. I coulda said, Sheepin with the fishes.
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