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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. We all go under.... 6 feet. That's it. Sheep
  2. Why do I have such a dry sense of humor?
  3. Damn and I thought I felt old in this community.
  4. Cowhidon Music Guru combo extraordinares.
  5. Azery...... 1. It's 'where for art thou' 2. Contrary to popular (and stupid) belief it actually means WHAT are you doing/thinking. Not WHERE are you going. I'm not the violent type, but Zeph is. Zeph slap him for me. PS. What's this Cthulu Noodles thing your always going on about?
  6. Unless sleep clause becomes a thing. No.
  7. Imposter Ditto always wins speed tie, even without choice scarf....

    1. Sheep


      Imposter Ditto without choice scarf? The balls on this guy...

    2. Flux



    3. Sheep


      Doesn't work after being transformed.

  8. Why the hell are the walls in my apartment paper thin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      None regardless. I'd just rather not here my room mate rage at CoD all the time.

    3. Bearadactyl


      File complaints if he does.

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Nah we get along pretty well, but he has anger issues when it comes to games. I used to to some degree, not as bad. But then I just stopped giving a damn.

  9. Quick someone post something before Absol shows up and sees this.
  10. I don't want to ban Mik. I think I'lll ban Absol instead.
  11. I'll side with anyone who's Display name doesn't start with the letter A. Mik.
  12. Supply and Demand as well as the materials they are given in turn because of said supply and demand. There's no need to be innovative and hence they feel no need to put anything but the bare minimum up as a product. Competition isn't an issue.
  13. I'm already cold from leaving my window open last night. Let me warm up first then I'll go for it, sure. Give us a hand wolf
  14. Did you really think we'd go that long without this happening?
  15. TFW you just can't get out of a mental low you've been stuck in for a while.
  16. That happens in almost every one of those Anime's that go on forever though.
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