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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Hey Anyone interested in some XY Free For All Battles? Post your FC Here if you are.

  2. HEEEEEEEY I'm not at the phone right now, but if you leave your name, number, and a message I'll make sure to get back to you. *BEEP* Hi this is 'Sheep' I just wanted to know if you still wanted to meet a Kangaroo?
  3. Banned for insulting Zeph in such a way.
  4. Nahhhhh. I can't even find good gifs right now.... I've hit rock bottom. Telos, pick up the slack for me.
  5. If you remember this, your childhood was awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joker


      ...I didn't think it was mainstream either. That's surprising.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Really? I never thought of it as being a local thing.

    4. Arkhi



  6. You never show up in chat, I've seen you like once. Also you need to ask on Saturday Night/ Or Sunday.
  7. Jerry hates exams. Jerry hates that he procrastinates too damn much. Words, stuff, frustration. Oh well, dwelling on it now won't do any good. I guess I should start studying for my other Exam on Wednesday now? Zeph, I feel your pain.
  8. Mega Masquerain with an ability that lowers opponents attack to -1 no matter how many boosts they have.
  9. You can pwn some of the newbs some of the time, but you can't pwn all of the newbs all of the time.

    1. TurboAura


      But can you pwn all the news some of the time, or some of the news all the time?

    2. TurboAura
  10. Jerry is no longer in his happy place. Jerry is now in study for test tomorrow place. I hate this place, I want to go back to my happy place. Did Vin Diesel ever show up earlier? Too lazy to look right now.
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