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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. No, Tempest, will be here. Zeph, find your local witch doctor!
  2. Cow, if you know something you're not telling here, let me know. (via PM of course)
  3. Happy Birthday missy! Kam, you missed your chance for Brownie points bro.
  4. All your planet are belong to 'Murica
  5. Hardest since latest Update (That I can remember) 1. Radomus 2. Noel 3. None, no one else gave me any problems. Easiest. Everyone else was scrubs. Of course I haven't played against Noel and Radomus since the release of their individual episodes happened at the time, they've probably been nerfed too.
  6. Honestly, I think the best set up would be Flygon and Archeops Lead. EQ and Rock Slide
  7. Brownie's >>>>>>>>>>>> Whatever that cakey crap is. Sorry Sheep, I love Austrailia, but they got this one wrong.
  8. Zeph you must know how to bake stuff right? RIGHT? Rose how about you?
  9. Banned because I need to post a bit more for 60 more rupees. Don't ask.
  10. Tripple battles are not possible as it is running off Pokemon Ruby/Pokemon essentials, which doesn't have the code for that IIRC.
  11. 7/10, would have been higher, but Inner Focus.
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