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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. So time for your ironic fact of the day. Primal Groudon the lord of land (Earth)'s only weakness is... You got it Ground. Wat?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Vinny


      no f u mmm /ban all the things

    3. Meruem
    4. Notus


      I agree with all you said MMM, we were ust kidding. XD

  2. Mega Sceptile, like OMG..... DUBBLE BATTELZ!!! I couldn't care less about Double Battles or VGC you twats. Disclaimer: This is not directed at anyone here.
  3. Senpai's Favorite (Don't ever make me say anything like that ever again)
  4. For the Caucasian male Winter, I personally feel it'd be better to get rid of the pants side stripe. Looks good though.
  5. Banned because it doesn't look silver to me....
  6. Banned because NOT EVERYTHING IS ANIME PWB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0WnqZCMX8o Ignore this, I just put it here because I felt like it. Moving on.
  7. TFW you can think of a word you're looking for. >=[ Zeph, what would Confucius say?
  8. I've taken other tests and I bounce between INTJ and INTP interchangeably Also, if someone has taken the test themselves they won't be able to see your results so if you actually wish to share. Post it in here.
  9. 28% Introverted 20% Intuitive 26% Thinking 8% Judging 12% Turbulent ALSO
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