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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Sorry, I'm not quite that good looking. Zeph because everybody else is doing it.
  2. Yeah, I think to some degree I'm just growing out of games and the only thing that does it for me is something that has the nostalgia factor any more. Not at all, just because it was made by the same company makes it the same game? Completely different.
  3. Banned because, one day..... the bear WILL reawaken from his slumber.
  4. That's completely up to you Mr. *cough* Global Mod.
  5. That's cool, while you're all making music, I'll be saving the world.
  6. Kam you need to learn your roman numerals bro.
  7. I think it's referring to NPCs for example, A Landorus would likely be given HP Ice instead of a random HP type. And they are likely to have EV investment in their stats now.
  8. Didn't bring Halo with me to school with me. So sorry bro.
  9. Flygon outsped everything on her team, so Swampert never got Solarbeamed.
  10. Vinny, you underestimate the power of laziness.
  11. Yes STICKY-er this thread please.
  12. Granted, but you're lifespan has been cut 10fold. I wish I understood myself.
  13. UnAm, I will say this. I really love that Altaria.
  14. Flygon Swampert EQ (Sometimes Double)/Rock Slide Sweep. Charlotte is a pushover.
  15. Um banned because I actually already made one just was waiting to use it.
  16. http://nation.foxnews.com/culture/2011/03/04/study-staring-breasts-increases-heart-health
  17. Biggest things I'd stress, 1. Don't sidetrack too much unless you're building a certain character's story. 2. Everything has to happen for a reason. Don't ever let things happen without giving an explanation as to why they happened, or why a character makes the decision they make.
  18. I've already played through it, however I don't have access to it for the time being. I'll answer any questions I can remember the answer to. First Ep 13 FAQ I expect. "What do I do in Titania's house, she just left?" - Poke around, view Gym Leader Monthly among other things.
  19. *cough* Route 4 during the day.
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