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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Bears like Cookies. Can I have some ZephyrSong (<--- who sees what I did there)
  2. You're 13, while I don't personally know you, I can't imagine there are any good reasons for you to be so negative. But that's none of my business though. The Zephyr Song just came on on Pandora for me.
  3. You know what this world needs more of....? Ukeleles.

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    1. Klemeltios


      I second that notion!

    2. Maelstrom


      Step in line behind cowbells, nub.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Cowbells? Da fuck outta here xD

  4. Absol, why are you always such a negative nancy? No Zeph, is probably going to wake up soon though.
  5. Reminds me of: Shuffled:
  6. Ame, how long will it be until you make us pay for a textbook to access all the data on field effects. Certainly enough for a textbook.
  7. Fruity Guy does have a name for future reference. 'Cain'
  8. If I'm walking down the streets in a city, like Chicago or Detroit at night, and I see a black person coming the other way, I decide to play it safe and go the other way, and be mentally prepared to grab my concealed carry fire arm, but not act prematurely. I'm making an attempt to avoid conflict all together. For the sake of argument, nothing happens. Would you consider me racist for being fearful of what someone like that might do?
  9. Bear goes Roar. But there one sound.... that Zephyr knows.....
  10. This is my next question, and I am in no ways meaning to offend anyone by this. Do you consider racism and racial profiling to be one in the same?
  11. Did you even read the damn article. 1. The guy was trying to HELP the victim. 2. He was white. This isn't a race thing, it's a police brutality thing. They have lost all sense of self control seemingly nationwide.
  12. What happened to the old "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR", I'm so sick of the carelessness of cops today. Shoot first ask questions later. Unless you see a gun on the man, you don't shoot first. Even if you see it then, if he's doesn't have it in his hands, you don't shoot unless he's reaching for it. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/los-angeles-police-admit-accidentally-killing-tosh-0-production-assistant/
  13. I'm bearly able to type this broooooooo. Kind of week, but it's all I got in this state of mind tho. I guess Bearsong.
  14. Pretty much 90% of the time I play gears its like this.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Guadalupe_Hidalgo Stole? Eh kind of technically, It stemmed from the Mexican American War, which said treaty ended, in the end the US paid an equivalent amount to $500,000,000 to Mexico and over 90% of the people of california and the rest of the annexed territory remained their anyway. So I don't think that really fits here.
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