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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/08/26/Jerry-Brown-to-Mexican-Illegals-You-re-All-Welcome-in-CA Gov. Jerry Brown to Mexican Illegals: 'You're all welcome in California' Are you fucking kidding me?
  2. Zeph, keep on keeping on. But, I guess Telos.
  3. Wasn't sure where to put this but.... "More than 100,000 flights were cancelled following the 2010 eruption of the Eyjafjallajokul volcano." the WHAT volcano? 0_0
  4. Fuck that douche. Ironman or go home. The next person was never into action figure (or dolls/barbies) when they were younger.
  5. Nice to finally have roommates I get along with well.

  6. 5/10. Mega Absol ain't tryna be no prom queen.
  7. School's started so I'll be going back to a normal sleep schedule now. No more of this up til 4 AM business. Telos
  8. I realized that my left foot is slightly larger than my right.
  9. The whole situation is like a love Drama there, the land is that girl who's been back and forth with two dudes for about 5 years and now they've both asked for her hand in marriage and they'll say they each have been dating her for years.
  10. Not denying that Hamas is using completely unethical tactics, but the media, Israili, US, and all around the world is portraying it to a degree more than it really is. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Israel, needs to go to further means to avoid civilian casualties than they are, they'll just walk over anyone and everyone to get to a threat. Much like the US. We shouldn't be funding Israel, Palastine, or any foreign nations in my opinion.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G8 Wikipedia, not good for writing papers, but good if you just want to inform yourself on a matter.
  12. Add Riot Shields and AR15's at the ready to the officers. And a few of those 200+ are actually children. No I'm not talking 18-25 either. Yes there are looters, and those who loot should be dealt with in the proper manner. In fact anyone who is found looting in this time should receive the maximum penalty for their actions in court. I don't condone the actions of what the minority that are acting likes savages and bringing down the entire image of the majority who are protesting peacefully. The cops end up panicking and/or are corrupt themselves and in turn decide to take justice into their owns hands when it's not proper to do so against those who only protest peacefully.
  13. Basically my viewpoint on the whole Ukraine situation since I was last recent on the subject. Is that Ukraine should just give Crimea and any other "provinces/states/whatever they call them" to join them if they so democratically choose to do so. Then be done with it. East/West Germany more or less but closer to the Motherland The Dark red regions would definitely go, the lighter would be debatable.
  14. Ebola? That seems to be a fizzling topic now too though. Hopefully it stays that way, for good reason.
  15. So 1000 rupees just fall into my lap out of thin air? Not that I'm complaining but I have no idea what the hell happened.

    1. derekwst3


      we cant have such a even number given so I gave you more

  16. Regardless of your point of view and opinion on the matter, my question is, why isn't he on trial or at least going through the legal processes yet? Anyone not in Law enforcement would have been taken into custody by this point. This is a fact you can't deny. http://www.kmov.com/special-coverage-001/Ferguson-shooting-Wheres-Officer-Darren-Wilson-272414901.html
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