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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Bear person will guess you. Zeph, Wake up before I go to sleep early tonight. (like 20 minutes probably)
  2. So the other day in XY I think I noticed they made it so you can't have more than 252 in any stat now so you don't have to worry about getting that extra 4 anywhere else now? Just do it at your leisure?
  3. I'd rather divide out 10 than 100. Sheep wake up dude.
  4. (I'd write something awesome to go with this picture, but if I took the time to do so, I'd probably get ninja'd. I'll write some epic shit later) Rose, likes writing.
  5. Dark Brotherhood Sorry Rose. Anywho I don't do this sort of thing, clan's and all. #SoloDolo
  6. I'm a bear. I'll eat him because food chain. Vinny is dead though.
  7. I read this as Roses are dead. o_o, a bit of a morbid way to start the morning xD Rose
  8. All eyewitness accounts however limited they may be, tell a different story, the government and media is just building up a counter story to protect their image. The police arm just as armed as the military is in IRAQ, plenty of gadgets and gizmos, now all they need is the gunner on the top and you got yourself a full ready to go Military vehicle. (Hence militarization). Why do we need this against our own people? People are forming roadblocks for peaceful protest far more often than to loot or cause violence. Keep the police safe? So that's why they keep going on the offensive? You keep drinking that kool aid Godot. Maybe someday you'll wake up and realize that America is corrupt too.
  9. Neo, even though you act like a goon, I agree with you most of the time and you definitely don't seem to talk out of ignorance most of the time.
  10. Banned because Justified says otherwise.
  11. This right here says it all. Our government is truly interested in anything overseas except keeping control over the oil and other resources. Does the outfitting of units such as this factor into the "defense" budget?
  12. Gandalf the "50 shades of" Gray
  13. *cough* Beartic Anyways. Dusclops.
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