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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I want a mega Girafarig

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Hoenn time? Mega Slowbro Gen 1, Mega Audino Gen 5. Sorry but that theory is debunked. Anything COULD get a Mega.

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Wailord should get a mega :D

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Mega Wailord wouldn't fit on this planet.

  2. The last time I got pokemon cards, Murkrow and Steelix were brand new.
  3. Think about how bored I am. Do you often make excuses just so you don't have to do something productive? (AKA Chronic Procrastinator)
  4. Either make it physically more like Mr. Mime, or recolor it more like Mr. Mime.
  5. I need to develop a thick Russian accent yesterday.

    1. Arkhi


      In proper English grammar, it would be "needed". But I suppose Ruskie grammar approves of this.

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      In soviet russia, accent needed to develop me!

    3. TurboAura


      In what scenario would you need a thick Russian accent? Just joke, racist joke, or did you need to crush man's skull between thighs like Sparrows egg in way of Zangief?

  6. Tricky question. The fruit? Apples >>>>> Oranges, the juice Orange >>>> Apple How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if wood chuck could chuck wood?
  7. Not Banned cus Science.
  8. Prolly. Zombies or Vampires? (Answer this question with caution)
  9. Every girl is good at cooking something. Spicy food, do you like it?
  10. Those "5 Alarm Hot" wings were really good when I ate them last night, not so much now.

  11. Hi. Bye. Sleepy time. Airport tomorrow. Ummm Vinny?
  12. If it was a boy, I'd tell that bitch to man the f up. Girl? Ummmmm go to talk to your mother? Fishing or golfing?
  13. I think Zeph is playing tricks on me. Zeph stop it.
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