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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Banned for not understanding compound words.
  2. You want to know why it's like this? Easy because it was more incentive to trade with your friends back in the days of red and blue versions. It's marketing. That's all.
  3. That's easy, just total up shofu's struggle through his playthrough where he's failed to grind his pokemon at all or do anything interesting. And all tolled, that happens to be right around where Ark said, just under 40 hours.
  4. Down with the #Breloominati
  5. Banned because I'm angry. GRRRR (Not convincing is it?)
  6. What'd you say? Is that Rose speaking? I can't hear you.
  7. Lets take the quick save button and push it somewhere else! ---->
  8. Banned because my new angry looking avatar needs to be angry, doing things that make me seem angry. I ain't even mad tho
  9. Hiding..... and scheming. Vinny knows whats up.
  10. Reminds me of: (at least the first half of this song does) Shuffled to:
  11. Reminds me of: Shuffled to:
  12. Ark, what exactly am I looking at here?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      From an artist named Atok Niiro.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Does it have to do with the dude you always have in your avatar?

    4. Arkhi


      Yup. That character, Max, is a friend of the character in my profile, Jack.

  13. 1 horse sized duck. Numbers are everything. Would you rather, Stranded in desert, Stranded in Frozen Tundra?
  14. Don't worry I won't ban you, be happy.
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