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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. 8/10, I know what it is, and I appreciate simplicity.
  2. Jan...... Jan.......... JAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!

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    2. Exalted


      in my language jan can be used to address someone as dear (i am not joking anyone honestly) so which jan is it

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      No, no. Cepheus. More like this.

    4. Arkhi


      Jan...... Jan.......... JAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!

  3. I guess for now I ask the question, what do you make of the reveal of the plethora of newly discovered exo planets a few weeks to a month ago? (don't remember the exact date)
  4. Poison/Dark Ability: Acidic - 50% chance of badly poisoning when using a contact move or being hit by a contact move. HP: 100 Atk: 73 -> 83 Def: 83 -> 128 SpA: 73 -> 83 SpD: 83 -> 128 Spe: 55 -> 45 1. Gunk Shot 2. Facade 3. Ice Punch 4. Pain Split
  5. I may have added another option.... ok bai
  6. 9.5/10 Liked the anime, and I usually don't. She's also an amusing character.
  7. For your humor. Yes but if the Magnezone hit was not a crit? Did Bagel's Volcarona have Roost or Giga Drain? I'd appreciate it everyone acted a bit more maturely from here on out, if you have an issue, please PM me or another committee member so we may discuss it.
  8. I mean, given how long that Sableye kept taking hits, it's not even really hax at that point to get crit. As for Volc, that thing was going to be at half health regardless, and there's no guarantee that the rest of his pokemon wouldn't have taken it down afterwards anyways.
  9. Flygon. Ground is my favorite type. Dragons have always been associated with power. It has a wide variety of moves. I have a hipster mentality and everyone like Garchomp, so that kind of throws that out the window for me.
  10. What about Zygarde? What the hell is Marshadow? Why these types for Legendaries? Are we going to a new region?
  11. If you read the original post, you'd know. Go to teambuilder on showdown, set the team format to 'Doubles UU' then add a pokemon and all of the acceptable pokemon are given there. Reminder that 'CAP' 'Ubers' and 'Unreleased' are not permitted.
  12. No, it doesn't have it to start, therefore it's not valid. Rule of thumb is any type requirements must be met for the entire duration of the battle. If this changes we will let you know.
  13. JERICHO EDIT WEEK 3: This will no longer be valid. Competitors who bring an invalid team will now forfeit the match. We strongly encourage you even if you are an excellent teambuilder or battler to share your team with your nation and have others look over it to make sure it fits the challenge. We apologize for changing things once again, but last week proved to us that this was not a good method. Please refrain from any "I told you so's"
  14. No, if it loses one of it's types then it's not longer that type, just like how you'd need to have one of the types for both the normal form and mega in order to use it.
  15. Oh right that won't be necessary let me make that there announcement thing.
  16. It was one pokemon, and with double battles with already limited typing, Smeargle is just too unpredictable.
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