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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Who are some of your favorite voice Actors/Actresses? (I don't really do much subbed so all English for me) I'm going with Robert McCollum Laura Bailey Vic Mignogna Dameon Clarke Steven Jay Blum
  2. Demonstrative (I was trying to think of a cool word in my head, and I thought De- monstra -tive, like monster LOL)
  3. Books no? Articles surrounding current events around the world? Absolutely. The next person likes Dogs more than cats.
  4. Late Spring, not too hot, not too cold, and all the beautiful plants blooming. Who says I can't have a soft side? If you could move anywhere in the world, where?
  5. I don't have the log, but I think DD does. Poe beat Kyoyo really close 1-0.
  6. I forgot that you actually post sometimes skit kat. Anywho, Vinny MIA
  7. Favorite, hmmm tough choice if I had to pick a #1. Least favorite day of the week other than Monday?
  8. *Insert witty one-liner here Thalmo..... I mean dobby.
  9. No, I couldn't find anything that would hire me for just the summer, that doesn't have to do with food somehow. (I won't work with anything having to do with food) Back to school in a month. Do you consider yourself informed when it comes to current event around the world? (Events that would be categorized under Foreign Policy)
  10. Scumbag Jericho, is here when you don't predict him, isn't when you do. #ScumbagJericho #BlameTempest
  11. Chocolate Ice Cream and brownies are the two junk foods that get the better of me. They're like Crack. The next person doesn't play LoL?
  12. Have you asked Ame about using her protagonist sprites? Or are they placeholders?
    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Except that is a different genre, but not going to argue it XD.

    3. Bluewolf


      This is a question I ask often.

    4. Etesian


      As far as I'm aware, Mobas are PvP and Pvp related stuff only, whilst MMORPG are RPGs which also happen to be multiplayer and online. Still don't know why you can't play MMORPGs offline.

  13. How'd you know? The next person feels that they look about 10x better after getting their hair cut.
  14. Nope, trying to quantify intelligence with a number is absolutely ludicrous. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses in the categories of comprehension and retention. The next person has traveled to another continent outside the one they were born in.
  15. Simba from lion king, that's it, until I was about 4. Was never much into stuffed animals or action figures. Closest thing that ever caught my attention really was hotwheels. If you could remain one age for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  16. Doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get, or when I wake up, I always have to be awake for at least an hour before I can function properly.

  17. What, did you just say????????????????????????????? Zeph?
  18. I can't remember what's available, but I'd strongly recommend something with access to a Rock move. Even if it's Graveler.
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