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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. FWIW, Not next week but the following week I won't be available much if at all.
  2. in b4 every team has Crocune and Mega Mawile.
  3. Sign me up if a replacement is needed or if we don't meet the volunteer quota (I doubt that happens).
  4. Dusknoir with Normalize???? What is this nonsense. SMH
  5. All these other nations tryna steal our members. First Apophyll trying to pry Ark away from us, now you guys want to kidnap Skitty? Oh hayelll no. We fam.
  6. Banned because I don't even....
  7. If it seems so obvious, then you know it won't be.
  8. 4/10 because it looks more like a fox than a wolf.
  9. 3/10 - I just don't understand all these goofy anime chick avys I s'pose. LOL
  10. Deutschland Deutschland uber alles? NINJA'D I #BlameTempest
  11. So long as it gets Huge Power, Azumarill
  12. Rename this thread to "TM's we'll never get"
  13. I'll keep this short. Every time I go to an article, after I do so I read the comments just to see ignorant people jabbing at each other and honestly all I see is the pot calling the kettle black. There is literally zero intelligence written within most of it and just each side resorting to name calling and "Nuh-Uh". Essentially this picture sums it up the best how I feel. In the end I just close it out thinking to myself, it's fine if people disagree, but can't it at least be done intelligently and civilly?
  14. This one was for you Ark, before I was ninja'd. PS - I don't follow any of your silly deities. Arceus, Helix, Xatu, Goomy, they're all the same cake with different icing. The only things that I will follow and that are science and rational thought. Behold the pinnacle of science.
  15. Not really my place to vote, but Houndoom screams Volcanic to me.
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