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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I like Exodus a lot, probably my favorite two steps song, but it doesn't really seem like it fits "mythic" to me. Black Blade is also along those same lines. I guess I just don't think something that sounds like it's going to kill you is what I'd imagine to be the theme. I did say in b4 skyrim and I meant it.
  2. I feel like I'm watching a movie haha. I'll definitely consider that one, but I'm also going to keep looking for other possibilities. Ice hmmm, maybe something a little more Nordic sounding would fit perfectly. in b4 Skyrim
  3. I think something from this album would work nicely (this is just the first track)
  4. I dunno who karp is, but it sounds like... Ark
  5. Well since I can't see that picture I'll respond to the Tsunami.
  6. There's only one Manga I have read and probably ever will and that's bleach. Anyone think that the latest chapter could possibly be a segway for the return of a particular fan favorite?
  7. Not possible. It's like trying to completely eliminate the common cold. What should I have for dinner?
  8. Death Note was okay. But pretty overrated.
  9. Helios http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cattle_of_Helios
  10. You post one you think is similar then you go to whatever music medium you use and shuffle and post that as well. Then the next person finds one that is similar and post whatever song they shuffle into as well.
  11. Alright so I've been thinking about the best way to go about this kind of thread. Essentially it will work like so. You listen to the song in the post before yours (Or at least a good portion of it), then you post a song that it makes you think of, it reminds you of, or you think is similar to it. You then go to whatever music medium comes up and the first song to start playing you post after the song you said reminds you of the one from the previous person. Person A -- (Shuffled song): "Blah" by Deadmau5 Person B (Thinks of): "Song" by Skrillex (Shuffled song): "Without Me" by Eminem Person C (Thinks of): and so on.... Since no one is before me. My Shuffled song is
  12. Being a skeptic. (If that counts). I can not stand it when people just accept what others tell them. If you don't analyze it to the Nth degree, well then you're just a sheep. What really grinds your gears?
  13. 9/10 because you're avatar answers it for me. "it's incredibly creepy."
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