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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I wish gym memberships weren't so insanely pricey. I'll wait until school starts back up again, $100 for the year ain't too bad.

  2. What currently non existing type combo would you most like to see in a Mega or Gen 7?
  3. Granted but it's because the sky is falling. I wish I wouldn't miss attacks in PO 3x as much as I really should.
  4. I only give hugs to people who are extremely important to me. Sorry but none of you quite qualify. Still friends though. Ark
  5. Granted, but it's in Soviet Russia, so Nazi's hunt you. I wish a Philadelphia Sports team would win a championship.
  6. Granted, but it will be forever raw. I wish I had a Gym within Walking Distance of my house.
  7. Don't lie ark, you wanted to. Vinny, you're going to give me nightmares. Stop that. Right now. EDIT: Ninja'd by Vinny
  8. Also when you're refreshing the page on a topic you're genuinely interested in waiting for replies, over and over and over again, but nothing.
  9. Jawohl herr Kommandant! Time for me to go to sleep. I'll start counting sheep.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQsqKiKHJ5M Just a pretty cool Zombie Nation Remix with the instrumental.
  11. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=pokemon+curves Ark.
  12. Not too concerned with waterfall. Bug resist Fighting, Rock resist normal.
  13. Fire and Ground as near as I can tell, are the two biggest to look out for. AKA Volcanic. Ice, Bug, both weak to fire, Rock weak to ground.
  14. Actually since I took out Scizor Forretress is now viable.
  15. FWIW it does seem like it's going better, but I didn't like how in X and Y that you face.. what.. 2 megas all game? Gyarados and Gardevoir? All that hype and just twice.... cool. Well there is Absol post game.
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