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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'm actually really liking Bastiodon with Metal Burst. Definitely viable to take out something that's set up on you if there aren't stealth rocks on the field. The only thing I really need is a rapid spinner or defogger.
  2. PWB, you always have goofy anime chick avatars lol. Vinny
  3. You're 17 and you need help adding radicals? Ouch. I've gone through differential equations (Might as well be Calculus 4) so yeah I think I can help with that. Feel free to pm any questions or ask on the server in the Ancient Nation channel (as to avoid some of the clutter) As far as the #BlameTempest thing, it was going to be a 1 time thing, but then Vinny did it too, so it became a thing. Rose.
  4. What's the deal with Genosect? PO finally made it in Uber Tier. Is it Acceptable to use or no?
  5. FWIW, Sky Nation seems pretty OP
  6. "Anything worth killing, is worth overkilling."
  7. Rock Ice and Bug? Offensive potential is good, but defense. Oh lawd. Ttar sandstorm teams at the ready! I abstain from the voting process because both the candidates are the same and there's only an illusion of choice.
  8. The Evil Wrecking Ball will be fighting for good for once.
  9. Are you insuating that some of us weren't? I definitely was. My father was born and raised in Germany, and I was in Germany in 2006 while the world cup was being hosted there. Don't question my fandom lol.
  10. Something you wish more people had the same appreciation as you for?
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