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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. "Lives happily ever after" What time did you wake up?
  2. I want freeze pops right now

    1. Tacos


      who doesn't?

    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I prefer ice pops

  3. As far as names goes. These two are musts IMO Ghost - Spectreon Steel - Titaneon
  4. Sooooooo my dog talks in her sleep, well as much any dog can talk.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0E5zA7mSfA
  6. PS And for the life of me I can't figure it out, but even when my game it has Earthquake, Flygon freaking sucks in this game for some reason.
  7. Speaking of birthday, are birthday's no longer being displayed on the front page anymore ???
  8. 4+ hours later somehow not ninja'd? Now I have to find some sort of gif. Ummmmmm, first thing to come to mind lol Ark
  9. I don't always get things done, but when I do, it's just getting started that's the hard part. Would you nickname your infant child "Little Ass Kicker"?
  10. You want tough. Mono grass against first pulse tangrowth.
  11. For the 40 millionth time. NO, I won't tell you how to use cheat engine to manipulate the game..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      isn't there a freaking youtube video and even a guide on the forums already explaining how?

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      "can you just tell me how to change XXX (usually IV"s or pokemon species) I totes won't tell ne1"

    4. ItsHijak


      cheat engine is a bitch

  12. I wouldn't, I'd donate 99.999% of it evenly to people, of course with a couple of favorites here and there. If you could star in a movie, what genre would it be?
  13. I'm not going to waste 9 minutes of my life on this when I could just scroll through the pokedex on numerous sites.
  14. FWIW, I watched the first five minutes of E1 of AoT and haven't got the hype. That intro as a whole is above average, but nothing is spectacular about it to me. And no I don't have to like Fairy tail and their weird characters and cats and stuff. No thanks.
  15. Taught in school/college? Science, more specifically Chemistry. Otherwise, philosophy. Yeah huge overlap there. LOL I had to answer this one. First I'd get as many guns as I could get my hands on without putting myself in much of harms way, then I find a remote location stocked with the most food possible and wait a month or so to let things settle down before I venture back out anywhere. The mountains are the best location IMO. Island = easily trapped and many other people would think to do that and would kill each other. But once I got to the mountains with guns and presumably a month's worth of food already there. I'd set up some sort of perimeter of razor wire in multiple layers and dig a trench between the two. I'm assuming these are slow zombies ala walking dead and NOT World War Z esque. What is your dream car?
  16. Can anyone give me an "inside the cover" preview synopsis type thing?
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