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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Japanese Dragon Ball Z is goofy as hell LOL
  2. You don't get it.... Right over your head lol
  3. That's not fair......
  4. Best intro of all time in my opinion Also, Laura Bailey has the most beautiful and soothing voice I've ever heard.
  5. If you have to think about it, the answer is yes.
  6. False Hooks are steel types therefore immune to poison.
  7. To find the happy median of respect and kindness where people can look to me as a leader and someone not to mess with but to also be able to be viewed at the same time as caring and generous. Too bad my work ethic isn't good enough to pull off both right now. Would you rather, Anarchy or Communism?
  8. Get destroyed Brazil.

    1. ItsHijak


      That shit was funny as hell, brazil are crying in the locker room right now

  9. Niagara Falls (I've seen the Grand Canyon) What city do you most want to visit?
  10. Deleted User


    Are you surprised? I sure am not.
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