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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Banned for being an enabler (I actually just don't like soda or any carbonated drink)
  2. It was once obtainable in one of the very early episodes IIRC. Tempest or one of the other bigshots (can't rememeber who it was exactly) has one.
  3. Not to be rude, but your last 3 pokemon seem almost useless IMO. At least grind them up to 30 or so.
  4. Oh yeah, time to add that to Jericho's FAQ list.
  5. Not giving you folks a picture of me, but here's daisy.
  6. Granted but Texas successfully secedes (And I might go with them) I wish I had food right now.
  7. Manuel, then I'd get about 7 other monkeys and give them all different hispanic names. I have no idea. Do you think there is a purpose to life?
  8. Banned cus I don't drink soda.
  9. Some dogs can hunt pests, some can't. Daisy you silly chocolate lab, you're not cut out for taking care of the groundhog out back, I should have got you out of there before it knicked you. Only about an hour of making the bleeding stop and treating the wound and getting you to calm down.

    1. Tacos


      awww poor baby ;-;

    2. Maelstrom


      time to set the trap. Vengeance!

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Time to use that shotgun I'm so good with.

  10. It makes me think of an onion. If you could be a dog, why?
  11. I won't intentionally offend anyone, I wouldn't ever resort to name calling or anything like that. However, I feel I do have every right to state my opinions on matters should the subject come up, so long as I do it in a respectful way.
  12. That reminds me of this. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/9296664/BBC-mistake-computer-game-logo-for-United-Nations-Security-Council-symbol.html
  13. Anyone who goes against the general establishment of religion is cool in my book.
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