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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Granted but you must go back in time and in turn, the events you cause, lead to the south winning the civil war. I wish my cars AC worked.
  2. No. True freedom is Anarchy, but even that will only last for so long as someone will come into our lives and try to selfishly seize power over others. It's inevitable that some people will try to control and manipulate others for their own gain. How do you feel about the traffic around holidays like this?
  3. Just my fun little Ground Mono I like. Anywho, I hide everyone's sigs so I don't have to scroll through about 100 pictures on every page. I kind of forgot the trainer card even shows up. Banned 4 hatin #Murica
  4. Ancient Aliens makes my head hurt from so much stupid.

  5. Mega Zangoose Type: Normal/Fighting Ability: Tough Claws Old Stats: 73/115/60/60/60/90 New Stats: 73/150/80/50/80/120 Gets a boost to attack/speed/defenses, no longer has to rely on toxic which eventually will force it out. Also now STAB fighting for moves like Close Combat, Power-Up Punch, or Revenge if you're into that. The current one which drops it's Special Attack to 10, is pretty ridiculous in that regard, dropping speed in that fashion is one thing, but dropping the Special Attack that much is cheap IMO.
  6. My neighborhood needs more bats. Damn mosquitoes.

  7. Banned for not having blue in your avy in b4 next person "Banned for not having blue in your avy"
  8. Banned for creepy Groudon
  9. No that's not what I mean, I'm too lazy to show you where. it's ABOVE the pokemon puzzle where Solaris jumps you.
  10. The OCD kills me too. To make it worse, go inside the factory and there is an item hidden in the room where solaris traps you above the jigglypuff/abra pokemon puzzle.
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