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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Mamoswine was female so nope I'm not naming it Mr. Piggles. Shakira - Lv 45 Timid - Forewarn Lovely Kiss Psychic Powder Snow Draining Kiss Nope - Lv 45 Quirky - Snow Cloak Thrash Ice Fang Mud Bomb -- Vinny - Lv 44 Lonely - Pickpocket Night Slash Icy Wind Metal Claw Screech Dino - Lv 45 Lax - Refrigerate AncientPower Icy Wind Freeze-Dry Nature Power (Now I have to update to 12.1 lol) Chubbumz - Lv 44 Naive - Oblivious Aurora Beam Rest Water Gun Snore Finally - Lv 44 Careful - Swift Swim Thrash Icicle Crash Aqua Jet Superpower
  2. It's bullshit, if this offends anyone sorrynotsorry.
  3. Granted but it's Domino's. I wish I didn't make this wish.
  4. Nope, not a MMORPG person. The next person considers themselves a decent cook.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCM5mVZW6fU
  6. Not really though. The next person prefers music from the 19XX than what has come out since 2000.
  7. The only kind of books I like are ones that question morals and the ethics of society, the story is secondary to the message being conveyed. The next person has been to Disneyworld
  8. Yeah. First I went to route 2 without the powder vial, then I went to route 2 because I thought I already had it given to me, not that I had to purchase it. The puzzle in and of itself isn't difficult at all, especially once you realize there are ledges to the side sometime.
  9. I could actually go for an Apple right now, Rose.
  10. I like this guy. Typhuego
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