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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I actually went back and had to see if I had really typed that lol.
  2. Avatar LoK is back this Friday? thatescalatedquickly.jpg

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    2. Rosesong


      You got it! LoK Facebook page released that bit

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      yea 3 episodes, I don't even watch it and I know.

    4. Slicster
  3. I'm not sure what I've seen more of, people asking about Route 2, or people asking about stickers.
  4. Weavile (Vinny) ~ Rose Walrein (Chubbumz) ~ Tacps Aurorus (Dino) ~ Aquibex Beartic (Finally) ~ Gaunt Mamoswine (Mr. Piggles) ~ blasterman4 (I hate this name lol) Not many Ice Types so I'll go with Jynx Jynx (Shakira) ~ My Pick
  5. Weavile (Vinny) ~ Rose Walrein (Chubbumz) ~ Tacps Aurorus (Dino) ~ Aquibex ?? ?? My Pick.
  6. Really? Why switch one Water/Ice for another? Pretty sure she didn't have either of them before.
  7. Unless it's changed, she uses Walrein. Rose is such a good person, nicer than me for sure. Haha.
  8. (Team the same pretty much) I start with Yamaha and Slick and she sends out Tentacruel and Muk I use Protect with Slick and Sleep Powder with Yamaha on Tentacruel. Muk uses Sludge Wave and it hits Yamaha for a bit of damage. Now I use Iron Defense and Sleep Powder on Muk. Iron Defense again and Quiver Dance with Yamaha Muk wakes up and Sludge wave does a bit of damage to both of them. I misclicked, meant to put Muk back to sleep but Quiver Danced again. Iron Defense again. Now slick is confused. Muk uses minimize, fun fact, steamroller craps on that move. I use steamroller on Muk and Psybeam on Tentacruel. Muk disables steamroller, and Psybeam is a 2HKO on Tentacruel. I use protect with Slick, but he hurts himself. Psybeam kills Tentacruel. I try the same thing as last time, use Sleep Powder on Nidoqueen though. Slick snaps out of it. Sleep Powder hits. Muk disables sleep powder. *Sadface I have slick Baton pass into Ballon real quick, and Quiver Dance with Yamaha Double Attack the Nidoqueen with Aqua Tail and Psybeam. Out comes the newest addition to her Team Dragalge. Well Muk since you want to keep minimizing so will I, Ballon. Psybeam Dragalge that almost kills. Muk giga drains Yamaha 4x resisted. She withdraws Muk as I use Aqua Tail on it and out comes Drapion. It doesn't do too much damage. Like a 3rd maybe. Dragalge will die to another Psybeam and I'll use rollout on Drapion. Gengar in, Gengar out. Yamaha gets confused. now Muk is back. Yamaha breaks through the confusion but misses sleep powder. Ballon would have killed Drapion with the 4th Rollout but decides nah I'm gonna miss. Yamaha hits itself in confusion then dies to Poison tail.I'll Send Slick back out. Protect and Rollout. With the minize on Ballon, no damage taken this turn. She Hyper Potions Drapion. I use Iron Defense, but Muk Disables it. Rollout and Steamroller take Drapion back to 40% and Muk misses Disable on Ballon. Ballon misses another potential killing rollout. Muk Giga Drain's Ballon, who's now in red HP. Slick gets confused. I want to make sure Drapion dies so I double attack it with Aqua Tail and Steamroller, but Aqua Tail kills it first. Slick hits itself. Slick snaps out of confusion and hits the now minimized Muk with Steamroller. I'm just going to have Ballon Destiny Bond a couple times. But Muk flinches. Another steamroller, and Muk Disables my Destiny Bond, oh well. It is 2v1 now. Another Steam Roller takes Muk to red, Ballon misses Aqua Tail. Muk Finally goes down to another Steamroller. Battle MVP: Slick - Lv 44 No action for Combat, Temporary, or La Muerte this battle. Turn up for what? I'll turn it down, waaaay down. What's that saying when hell freezes over?
  9. I start with Slick, and he leads with Ferrothorn. At this point you should already know it's going to be Protect, Iron Defense, Protect, Iron Defense, Protect, Baton Pass. Jeez Gyro Ball Hurts, Okay, Baton Pass now. Out to La Muerte Flamethrower OHKO Obvi. Or almost... 0_0 Hmmm no Hyper Potion? Okay... Ferrothron is down. Next is Krokorok. I'll go back to Slick and set someone else up. Intimidate sucks though. Crunch drops me to +1 Defense after the Iron Defense. Now Baton Pass into Ballon real quick. Annnd Hydro Pump... misses, oh well he's doing very little damage. He switches out to Scyther, on the Hydro Pump. with the crit it does over half. Well scyther? sounds like I should rollout. First rollout doesn't kill. 2nd would if it hit lol. OK, now Ballon takes out Scyther. (Level up Learn Aqua Tail, replace Hydro Pump) Krokorok coming back. I'll stay in. Oh wait yeah I'm locked into rollout, damn it. Bye ballon. He dug and made me miss, Ballon hangs on with 10%, time for Destiny Bond. Dig.. Okay Destiny Bond again. I send out Temporary, and he sends out Roserade. Well cut is the only thing that can touch it, and after Leftovers, it's not even worth it. I switch into Slick as death fodder, sorry buddy. Put me to sleep, it'll hurt less when you kill me. Oh I see you have extrasensory that's annoying for a poison team haha. La Muerte comes out and gets hit with Hidden power living with 1 HP, I use Flamethrower and it does 1/3, I didn't know Roserade was so tanky. He switches to Serperior to take another Flamethrower doing about the same damage. He decides to paralyze me for some reason..... Then Leech seed... La Muerte gets him down to 5% before dying. Finish it off Combat. Acrobatics also OHKO's Roserade. No real Battle MVP, team effort here.
  10. Leading off with Slick, he starts with. Venomoth. I start with a Protect to get that Speed Boost. He goes for Signal Beam, hopefully he doesn't have a Psychic Move. I go for Iron Defense, and he hits me with Signal Beam. Which does about 15%. I'll Protect One more time. Now he does go for the Psybeam. Time to Baton Pass, I'm thinking, La Muerte. Psybeam.. gets predicted. Flamethrower, I'm thinking a 2hKO, it does over half, but he put La Muerte to sleep. I'll wait for him to wake up. I hope, signal beam does about 35% La Muerte wakes up just in time to take down Venomoth. Now Samurott, with these boosts, I'll stick in. Night Slash cus STAB, wow that did like nothing. He used Fury Cutter. I think I'll use smokescreen to screw with him. He uses Razor shell and La Muerte hangs on with 2 HP. Alright, just get damage with Night Slash as long as you're alive now. Fury Cutter beats La Muerte, back to Slick now. Protect of course. He used razor shell, but now I'll use Iron Defense. Protect again. Iron Defense, protect. Night Slash, ok stop messing around don't want to get crit'd. I think a Steamroller should take it out from where it is. Almost. The next one kills it. Now Haunter. I think I'll Baton Pass into Yamaha. Shadow Ball hurts, over half. Please hit the Sleep Powder. Course not, but he used Mean Look. Okay another chance Yamaha, and you blow it again, but 1 HP left. SURVIVAL! Finally hit the Sleep Powder. Alright Psybeam. 2x kills it. Now Nidoking. You can sleep too. It'll be a 3 hit kill with Psybeam. Muk? Alright sleepy time. Also a 3x kill with Psybeam. But it wakes up before I can get the last one off. Temporary hasn't got any action yet. Leech Seed. And he disables it, fine by me man LOL. Even at like 10% cut doesn't kill, but the Leech Seed will. Battle MVP: Slick - Lv 43
  11. Only like 5 times lol. Actually if I combine him with Slick after two Speed Boosts and Iron Defense, He wrecks.
  12. YAY, Took down the Garchomp, didn't think I would so I didn't do the usualy thing. Started with Ballon, Intimidate switched into everyone as fodder then switched back into Ballon to initimidate again. Until it was Ballon and Combat left, Ballon held on with 10% and got the Destiny Bond off. Suck is Solaris. Battle MVP: Ballon - Lv 44
  13. Deleted User

    Shiny stone

    Is the Azurine Island Shiny Stone still accessible? I can't seem to figure out how to get to the rock where I think it is.
  14. I lead off with Combat, and he starts with Klefki Combat has Infiltrator sounds perfect to fight a Klefki. I already know this thing is going to be annoying, and Combat can't really hurt it much with it's attacks. I can get off a Confuse Ray though. He uses the Prankster Spikes. OK. Now I'll switch into Yamaha, Klefki hurts itself and spkes get me for a bit. He sets up another layer of Spikes and I put him to sleep. How many Quiver Dances can I set up? 1, 2... wakeup, draining kiss, does nothing. Back to sleep please. 3rd layer of spikes. Great. 3, 4, 5 wake up foul play. does about 20%. OK, how many Psybeams will it take to kill this thing? Put it to sleep first though. Two Psybeams take it to red, and he'll use a Hyper Potion. He wakes up and hits Yamaha for a bit more, now at 25% myself. He's at red again, time to go back to sleep. Now just stay asleep for a couple of turns for you to die to Psybeams. And Klefki dies. Now Chatot. Hopefully at +5 I can OHKO with Psybeam. Nope take it to red though. Combat can finish this off. Fortunately he is flying so he does take spikes damage. Sitrus Berry, shouldn't matter though. Now Floatzel, I see no reason to switch right now. He uses Aqua Jet, it doesn't do much, but Acrobatics puts a hurtin on him. Second Acrobatics kills. Now a Cradily. I'm not going to switch willy nilly. Combat use Confuse Ray on it. It loves dese hose. I decide to use Poison Fang to try get the poison off on it. Snaps out of confusion right away though and Ancient Power hurts. Confuse Ray again, c'mon Cradily errybody know you love dese hose. YOU KNOW IT. Can't seem to get the poison but Cradily hurts itself plenty of times. Now Acrobatics will kill it so I'll just take it down. That's all she wrote. Battle MVP Combat - Lv 44 Alright get the hell out of here before my mind princess Cain.
  15. Just did the battle on Azurine Island with Aster and Eclipse forgot to do the usual thing. Long Story short, Combat and La Muerte killed all except there last two which Yamaha and Temporary finished off.
  16. Sure why not, I'll go wherever (Except Rock, fuck rocks)
  17. Oshawott. Just how the cookie crumbles bro.
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