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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yeah but they'll be in those couple of unobtainable spots in the Obsidia Ward factory with Pulse Muk.
  2. I watched half an episode of .hack (whatever) and that sounds like that to me. Granted but it's all vegetables. I wish Walking Dead Season 5 started like now.
  3. Haunter. The Anime Haunter reminds me of your shenanigans.
  4. I did it first, it was for something Minor, I don't remember what made me start it, but Vinny approved in the next post and then it became a thing. Isn't that right Vinny.
  5. Granted, I wish I skinned them first. (At least that's what the voices tell me)
  6. Yeah. But I have realized most of the time it's because I don't use enough energy during the day. More of an incentive for me to get back to the gym and lift again. The next person has Banana in their username.
  7. #IDontLikeMudkipz #ComeAtMeBro #TeamSceptile Amethyst. For something different.
  8. Wish Granted... but I wish all Pink Unicorns would get burned alive by the entire visible and non visible light spectrum.
  9. I don't see how it makes the game harder, it adds just one more thing to do in my opinion. Doesn't really make it easier or harder.
  10. Super duper challenging and fun, I totes agree.
  11. I was just thinking, if Lin is the Champion or E4, she should have Giratina. It's pretty fitting IMO.
  12. Well I was looking at his move pool, (Non Breeding) and he doesn't really have anything else LOL. He has Mega Kick, but no thanks. He learns Blaze Kick at 45, if he makes it that high before I beat Kiki.
  13. Purugly.... Nah really, what else am I supposed to say besides Skitty.
  14. Nope, someone argue with me right now. I'm in the mood to argue. PWB?
  15. To be fair Ark, I was being sarcastic, but the reason I can't take this guy seriously is that every post he makes looks a paragraph of texting. I'm sorry but it's aesthetically annoying bro, I can't help this minor OCD. If you want to make YouTube helpful videos, more power to you man.
  16. Only is the Kazoo and the Harmonica both count. The next person has been to a baseball game (Major League)
  17. The Wii was kind of intriguing because at the time it was innovative, however it's not what I'd use to plays game that I keep coming back to. Each and every one of Nintendo's exclusives are childishly boring and just not geared towards someone like me. The Wii U is similar but it's not leading the way in innovation really any more.
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