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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. (Probably the only Beatles song I like)
  2. Victoria has a Hariyama, but Kiki doesn't. Would have been fine. Once a day man, once a day.
  3. You like Rock Types? May the lord have mercy on your soul. #BlameTempest
  4. Fine by me that always seems to happen anyways LOL.
  5. I'm sure you were real tight with Nickaboo lol.
  6. Hawlucha ~ RebornRanger Infernape (Kirito) ~ Tacos Heracross (No Scope) ~ Slicster Hitmonlee (Hit?Mon?vinee) ~ Arkhidon Conkeldurr ~ Rosesong Breloom (Mayweather) ~ Me If you want it changed just say so. Conkeldurr - Conkelderp (IDK LOL) Hawlucha - El Toro (El Toro Fuerte) Hitvinnee - Lv 41 Lax - Reckless Hi(gh) Jump Kick Close Combat Focus Energy Rolling Kick Conkelderp - Lv 43 Bashful - Sheer Force Stone Edge Hammer Arm Chip Away Bulk Up Kirito - Lv 41 Hasty - Iron Fist Flame Wheel Facade Acrobatics Close Combat Mayweather - Lv 41 Calm - Technician Mach Punch Sky Uppercut Seed Bomb Leech Seed No Scope - Lv 40 Lonely - Moxie Aerial Ace Chip Away Close Combat Pin Missile El Toro - Lv 41 Impish - Limber FeatherDance Bounce Flying Press Roost
  7. Granted, but you can only do it with your eye's closed. I wish women wouldn't buy so much useless junk.
  8. Don't make me kick your neck. I was about to guess PWB, but dat irony.... Zephyr.
  9. Yeah that probably was upwards of two years ago, Ame's probably reworked things a million and one times by now. I just ask for something harder than Samson, Radomus was a good challenge, Luna was OK, but I didn't stack my pokes for that battle specifically (Didn't even notice it was a gym battle at the time, oh cool I get a badge!)
  10. Already done. Read the thread if you want to know the specifics, page 8 or so. I've been using pokemon not "available" all game long, it's just part of how things are going. But there are quite a few restrictions though.
  11. Hawlucha ~ RebornRanger Infernape (Kirito) ~ Tacos Heracross (No Scope) ~ Slicster Hitmonlee ~ Arkhidon ??? My Pick @Tempest, she has a Gallade
  12. I was just thinking, I don't know much about recording and don't have a mic, but I might have to try getting some stuff so that I can and I might do this again on YouTube. Still I don't know the first thing about recording etc. Editing would be easy enough though I think.
  13. I feel like if there's anyone Ame would leak info to, it'd be Ikaru, spill it bro.
  14. What's a Kirito? Hawlucha ~ RebornRanger Infernape (Kirito) ~ Tacos Heracross (No Scope) ~ Slicster ??? ??? My Pick
  15. Amethyst, you gotta make Cal stronger, I'm pretty sure both playthrough's I've beat him without a single mon fainting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vinny


      Face him with a team of grass types.

      And no, they can't have Chlorophyll as their ability :I

    3. Bearadactyl


      I had trouble with him and I started with Totodile, I beat him, but lost about half of my team.

      He couldn't stop that Garbodor stall.

    4. Felicity


      Vinny, Torterra. 'nuff said

  16. I start off with Vin and he sends out Infernape. I decide to go with Earth Power he goes for the threatening Swords Dance, but Vin OHKO's him. Now he's sending in Delphox, perfect opportunity for Hellsong. With all of my pokes alive, Beat up is stronger than Crunch. He uses Light Screen which won't do much to help him against Beat up. With three Crits in 5 hits on Beat Up, Delphox is OHKOd as well. Next is Magmortar. I'll switch back to Vin. He uses Lava Plume which does maybe 25%. Earth Power does just under half. I'm going to Earth Power again, then he'll hyper potion. Yup, hit him, almost down to half, and a switch into Typhlosion, didn't expect that all. (Should have gone to Charizard LOL) ANNNND Vin gets the Crit OHKO on Typhlosion. Now Charizard is coming, so I will send out Yazmat The only question is will I outspeed because Rollout will certainly OHKO, ha didn't even remember he still had that light screen up, gone now though. I do outspeed but miss the rollout, he uses Thunderpunch for about 30% Rollout hits and only does 65%, he hits me with another Thunderpunch. The 2nd rollout easily kills it. Magmortar coming back, might as well let Yazmat do his thing right now. And by thing I mean demolishing Magmortarzzz. Now Blaziken, EASY kill for Temperature If priority Acrobatics doesn't kill... well I don't know, think of something crazy in the event it doesn't. It did so stop thinking about it now Cal got destroyed. Battle Co MVPs Vin - Lv 41 Yazmat - Lv 41
  17. Yeah and Samson's Conkeldurr was level 73, I presume Lapras is probably Amaria's main Poke.
  18. Yeah, moves are the same. Flame Burst Hex Confuse Ray Minimize
  19. What say the people. Lampent or should I make it a Chandelure even though I can't get a Dusk Stone at this point in the game?
  20. No Noel gives you the 7th badge. The FAQ states the 7th badge gives you to Level 60. Additionally check out Nickaboo's part 37 of the walkthough he clearly has pokemon over level 50 obeying him in the Steelix fight.
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