I am once again leading off with Thorns, and he leads with Dewott, nice start for me.
I am going to start with Will-O-Wisp and then I should be able to Horn Leech my health back no problem.
Venomoth? I'll leave Thorns in, wynaut?
Leech Seed too start fo sho. He uses gust and it does like 20% damage, but the leech seed take it back some.
Venomoth is a Special attacker, no sense in burning if you ask me. Faint Attack it is.
Cain uses a Super Potion on Venomoth from (40%), with the attack and Leech Seed, it didn't heal much.
He uses Silver Wind, fortunately no stat boost, and I hit him again he's down to about (10%) and uses another Super Potion. Leech Seed ain't playin doe. Bascially wastes his super potion he's back down to almost red.
Grimer ain't nothing to Thorns.
You should already know how I'm starting this. Zap zap. Grimer uses Sludge Bomb and gets the poison on me though *sadface
I've been using Faint attack, but I decide to use Horn Leech since I need the health now. He uses Minimize, this could get real annoying real fast, if not for the leech seed that is.
Miss the Horn Leech, and then Grimer Disables it, but Grimer faints to Leech Seed.
Last but not least, Nidoking. You know I'm staying in.
Since Horn Leech is still disabled, I am gonna just hope I can live and get the Leech Seed off again, but Nidoking outspeeds and kills with Poison Tail.
Charybdis' first action.
Bubblebeam should kill, I guess not only 2/3 but Nidoking disabled Poison Tail thanks to Cursed Body.
He doesn't have any other moves that can hit me I suppose since he used Thrash.
Battle MVP:
Thorns - Lv 34