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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Don't worry we'll get our 1 or 2 screenshots about 3 weeks before release and it will be another teaser. Ame, you're also good at marketing to the community.
  2. Nah, It's Fire Types right now Tempest. Kind of a strange situation here, but none the less. Delphox (Rose) Talonflame (Tempest) (Reserved for RebornRanger) ??? ??? My Pick
  3. I lead off with Thorns, because I remember he leads with Rotom. I go with Horn Leech to start because I'm not sure what he wants to do. He uses Hex but I get back to about 85% after Horn Leech. He uses a Hyper Potion and cus of horn leech it just heals me LOL And again. Finally goes down. Chandelure, welp I don't like this, but I'm gonna try to use Coldplay as a Destiny Bond sacrifice. It works just as I had hoped, Coldplay, job well done. I'm going to go out to Tacos since I don't know what he's sending out, Shadow Sneak from it should hurt whatever he sends out. It's Gourgeist. I decide to go for the Will-O-Wisp. He goes for Leech Seed, time to switch out. Good opportunity for Simummy. He confuses me, but I think I want to take the chance with Hex. He uses Phantom force, so now I have to decide what I want to take the hit. Sorry Thorns. Feint Attack now from Thorns, should be able to get one off. He's now in red after burn damage and the Faint Attack, But Thorns is probably going to die to the second Phantom force. Finish this with Shadow Sneak Tacos. Good job. Now Golett, sounds like a job for Charybdis Bubblebeam easily OHKO's And now Spiritomb, gotta give Scurvy his action. First Confuse Ray. Shadow Ball does just over half another one will kill me. Going for Shadow Sneak. Spiritomb doesn't even know what hose are. Taco Time Use Knock Off in case he is holding an item (he isn't), then he hits himself, not bad. Next Knock Off kills him. Last is Corey, Tacos stay in and Shadow Sneak. It does 2/3 his health but Tacos is OHKO'd by Corey's Shadow Ball. Two pokes left. Charybdis is a special wall sort of he can take one Shadow Ball and finish it right? Yus. Battle MVP: Coldplay Lv - 37 That Chandelure was going to give me nightmares otherwise. I believe Kiki is next, but Cal is before that sort of? Fire Types I s'pose.
  4. Deleted User

    Shiny stone

    I don't think you can find it mining, I know you can get it on the 7th floor of the Department store and you can find them in a couple places that I can't remember specifically.
  5. That's also OK if you're going for that weird Snakewood feel, but yeah the head thing is kinda much.
  6. I still can't believe she caved with Beldum.
  7. Sorry Bro, I'll make sure you get fist pick next time. I didn't use him because it required a Dusk Stone which I couldn't get at this point in the game technically. I only went with Froslass because so many people wanted me to.
  8. I am once again leading off with Thorns, and he leads with Dewott, nice start for me. I am going to start with Will-O-Wisp and then I should be able to Horn Leech my health back no problem. Venomoth? I'll leave Thorns in, wynaut? Leech Seed too start fo sho. He uses gust and it does like 20% damage, but the leech seed take it back some. Venomoth is a Special attacker, no sense in burning if you ask me. Faint Attack it is. Cain uses a Super Potion on Venomoth from (40%), with the attack and Leech Seed, it didn't heal much. He uses Silver Wind, fortunately no stat boost, and I hit him again he's down to about (10%) and uses another Super Potion. Leech Seed ain't playin doe. Bascially wastes his super potion he's back down to almost red. Grimer ain't nothing to Thorns. You should already know how I'm starting this. Zap zap. Grimer uses Sludge Bomb and gets the poison on me though *sadface I've been using Faint attack, but I decide to use Horn Leech since I need the health now. He uses Minimize, this could get real annoying real fast, if not for the leech seed that is. Miss the Horn Leech, and then Grimer Disables it, but Grimer faints to Leech Seed. Last but not least, Nidoking. You know I'm staying in. Since Horn Leech is still disabled, I am gonna just hope I can live and get the Leech Seed off again, but Nidoking outspeeds and kills with Poison Tail. Charybdis' first action. Bubblebeam should kill, I guess not only 2/3 but Nidoking disabled Poison Tail thanks to Cursed Body. He doesn't have any other moves that can hit me I suppose since he used Thrash. Battle MVP: Thorns - Lv 34
  9. Tqcps sounds good but I'm all the way in Beryl I'll do it next time I'm near the Name Rater
  10. Lets hop right into it. (Team is as above) I lead off with. Thorns, and he sends out Ferroseed. Best thing to do is defintiely Will-O-Wisp. His Gyro Ball does about 15%. I don't really want to take damage from his Iron Barbs so I'll switch to Simummy. He goes for Ingrain, oh well less burn damage. Actually none since he has leftovers too. Oh well. However Hex should do quite a bit. It OHKO's. He's sending in Ludicolo, I'll stay with Simummy Mega Drain does (15%) but Will-O-Wisp/Hex combo is easily worth it. We both get crits, his with Water Gun and mine with Hex, easily OHKO'd, Now he's sending out Roserade, get in here Coldplay Of course I'm going to use Icy Wind. Both of our attacks do just under half but I lowered his speed so I should be faster now, but he has leftovers. Both of us are low, I'm guessing he'll use a potion. Yup, and Coldplay misses the 95 accuracy Icy Wind Well Destiny Bond should be a good option here. Taking you with me fucker. Works like a charm. I go out to Tacos and he sends out Servine. I'm guessing he has some item, so I go for Knock Off first. Got rid of his leftovers, but It's not doing much damage (I don't think Knock off's power doubles with item in this game though?) Either way I'm gonna go for Screech then Shadow Sneak, should be able to live one more attack regardless. Screech was a bad idea, he has Contrary 0_0 Will-O-Wisp since I messed that up LOL, I barely live enough to survive that. I go for Shadow Sneak and he leech seeds me which kills and gets his health back that I did with Shadow Sneak. Simummy can finish this with one Hex, or he can have his accuracy lowered by Leaf Tornado and miss, that's cool too. OK We can do this Simummy. He misses Leech Seed and Simummy hit's the Hex for the win. Battle MVP: Simummy - Lv 35 This isn't even fun any more Fern.
  11. OK I decided to give new nicknames because the same ones keep popping up LOL, if you want it changed just say so. Scurvy (This is what I got when I combined "Vinny" and "Scary" lol) Tacos (I got nothing for this one) Thorns (since this trevenant is male, every Rose has it's Thorns) Simmumy (Self Explanatory) Charybdis (Who hasn't read The Odyssey?) Coldplay (From the picture Ark left and he was the first one to ask for Froslass) Scurvy - Lv 37 Docile - Frisk Shadow Sneak Confuse Ray Will-O-Wisp Fire Punch Tacos - Lv 34 Jolly - Cursed Body Shadow Sneak Will-O-Wisp Screech Knock Off Thorns - Lv 33 Hardy - Harvest Leech Seed Faint Attack Horn Leech Will-O-Wisp Simummy - Lv 34 Quiet - Mummy Power Split Hex Disable Will-O-Wisp Charybdis - Lv 35 Timid - Cursed Body Recover Bubblebeam Brine Ominous Wind Coldplay - Lv 34 Bashful - Snow Cloak Icy Wind Double Team Ominous Wind Destiny Bond
  12. The one in front of the Candy store? Yeah screw that guy.
  13. Absolutely no fucks given right now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yash


      it got fixed... wtfs going on??

    3. Arkhi


      A double post that counted only as one, I guess.

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      How funny, I nickname my Scizor "RunsWith"

  14. OK, well since it's in such popular demand I'll use Froslass anyways. Trevenant Banette Dusclops Cofagrigus Froslass Jellicent (My Pick) I'll figure out naming details later, I'm not awake enough to do it right meow.
  15. Whenever I see someone using Genosect in PO, I throw up in my mouth a little.

  16. The only poking I'll do is with a switchblade. Did I just say that out loud? Whoops. Tempest.
  17. Just realized, Mismagius is kinda shaky as well. Dusk stone and all. Gourgeist is now in there instead? Hmm well then I'll swap in Dusclops for Mismagius
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