(Team pretty much the same) Leading off with Lost Lore
Lets see if I hit a Supersonic on his Lileep
Nope, he ingrained NBD. Lets try again. Good, not hit yourself please. Cool beans.
Bubblebeam that plant thing.... We've killed more badass things before! Oh... it has storm drain, no bueno.
Constrict from Lileep, LOL
Alright well lets at least use Acid
Oh now it confuse ray's me? Terrific, Okay lost, you can come back later. I like Nero right now.
Constrict... My speed fell! OH NO!!!!!!! hahahaha
Okay Double Kick should be a 2hko proabably, actually almost kills. But this fucker confuse rays me, Back to Lost Super Potion, damn it.
You're going to confuse me again, I'll juggle all day.
Acid isn't doing shit to Nero.
Double Kick, almost dead, confuse me, back to Lost... this is getting old... in b4 2nd super potion. Or nvm.
Confused Lost again, switch again. Oh so now you used the Super Potion? This is pretty funny.
Well you'll be low health from a double kick and then you'll confuse ray Nero. Yuppers. Lost you know the drill.
I think I'll supersonic you first though. Still confuses Lost.
Nero finish this damn plant already FFS. Thank you. Did I mention I hate plants? kind of Ironic in this part of the game no?
Here Comes Pulsegrowth #2, should be easier with a poison team. I'll send out Simon, too Paralyze it with Glare. Oh wait, that was Rose with Glare, oh well Simon just use screech like 3 times. or miss the 1st one. Okay, I used 3 screeches, but you used Acid spray, I think it's time for me to kill it dead. Poison Tail better hurt this thing, it's got a couple of growths too.
Almost half health Damage, not bad. Simon almost died but takes out Tangrowth.
Oh yeah Chatot, OK Rose, use Glare on this thing. Nasty Plot, this thing is going to devour me. #NewBeethoven Glare will help.
Crunch away Rose.
Taunt me? LOL I ain't even worried tho.
Chatter takes me down to (10%) and confuses, well rose wanna hit one more Crunch.
Nice, and Chatot why would you Sing to a pokemon that's almost dead?
Sorry Rose, you're getting foddered now.
Okay, ATV should be able to finish this off no? Psybeam looks nice. Oh well that didn't do much, ATVOHKOd
Lost Lore Bubblebeam has to kill it at (10%)
Battle MVP:
Simon - Lv 25
Yeah, if you're trying to ask me for help, this is DEFINITELY NOT the way to go about it, probably couldn't have picked a worse way to go about it. Also, I won't teach people how to cheat the game sorry.