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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Shards are literally everywhere, you can't walk like 10 steps without finding something on the item finder usually.
  2. This thread needs to stop, it's only a matter of time before Ame makes the only usable pokemon Delibird and Dunsparce. Then she'll remove Dunsparce too cus OP. I hope you like presents.
  3. Ame said 7 more episodes probably until E4, lets assume that means between now and the E4 episode. That's still 8 badges in 7 episodes, multiple badges at least one episode.
  4. Learns too many moves leveling up, and the Base Stats are too high. 605 is higher than even any psuedo legendary (Dragonite, Metagross, Tyranitar etc) With Moxie or Tough Claws, it's become tougher than most mega pokemon. I'd tone it back quite a bit. BST fully evolved shouldn't be any higher than 540 IMO. I also don't get how it can learn Energy Ball, haven't fully looked over the entire move list, but this is OP.
  5. Nero - Lv 26 Lonely -- Rivalry Horn Attack Fury Attack Double Kick Poison Sting ATV - Lv 24 Quiet - Run Away Leech Life Super Sonic Psybeam PoisonPowder Simon - Lv 25 Jolly - Shed Skin Venoshock Bite Screech Poison Tail Lost Lore - Lv 24 Gentle - Liquid Ooze Supersonic BubbleBeam Acid -- Rose - Lv 24 Mild - Shed Skin Glare Screech Acid Crunch Tacos - Lv 24 Lonely - Keen Eye Poison Fang Knock Off Pin Missle Accupressure Let me know if you want your pokemon's nickname changed.
  6. Tentacruel (Lost Lore) Seviper (Derpy) Skorupi (Tacos) Arbok (Rose) Venomoth (Ark) (Don't think corey has one) Nidoking (Jericho) Assuming that this is all proper, and there isn't any duplicates to anyones knowledge I'll go with Nidoking (sorry Cain)
  7. Venomoth? I don't think he has one of those but he might, Anyways, it evolves at 31? Level cap is 35. So that would be fine if he doesn't have one. Tentacruel (Lost Lore) Seviper (Derpy) Skorupi (Tacos) ??? (Rose) Venomoth (Ark) (Don't think corey has one) My Pick
  8. Tentacruel (Lost Lore) Seviper (Derpy) Skorupi (Tacos) ??? (Rose) ??? My Pick
  9. Tentacruel (Lost Lore) Qwilfish (Derpy) Skorupi (Tacos) ??? (Rose) ??? My Pick I feel like I remember him having a Seviper, anyone want to confirm or reject?
  10. another poison water? Oh well, it's up to you guys not me. (Mostly) so far I have 3x Poison/Water LOL
  11. I'm trying to incorporate most of the Semi Leaders. I think the only one I won't count will be Sigmund because in a sense he's optional. So Corey then. Give me Poison Types people. 1. No Legendaries 2. None that Corey has. 3. Pokemon that can't be got in Reborn normally are okay so long as they fit 1 and 2.
  12. Gonna lead off with Tempest and set up some growths since he (She's) 4x resistant to grass. He leads with his Lombre and it uses Fake out, hopefully it doesn't take me out before I can set up. Tempest's Poison point will be good since it poisoned Lombre, I can probably Mega Drain Lombre for a solid chunk of health. Down to (25%), no more growths lol. Clutch crit back to (66%) and he's gonna die from poison. Down goes Lombre. Still have +2 SpA gonna leave Tempest in. Get some Roselia on Roselia action now mhmmm. (Tempest is the girl and Fern's is the guy lulz, #Blame Tempest) Poison Sting is the only attack that can really hurt it. But still only about 15% damage. He's using mega drain, 12 HP left. He's trying to use Stun Spore lolwut? OK now 4 HP one more hit? Nah tempest outsped) I'll send out Lost Lore Gust is obvi, 2 gusts takes it out from where he is, and he's gonna keep using stun spore. Ok..... Oh nvm, Super Potion, cool beans. And another one. Fern Stun Spore doesn't work on grass types. Too late Roselia dead. Servine? this is a job for Lust Two Bug Bites, will kill it no problem. He just is being cute using growth over there. Fern got manhandeled. Took down Tempest but that's it. No MVP this battle, Team Effort. P.S. Go home Grasshole Now for the main event. Leading off with Tempest again. Hoping to do the usual set up. I get off a Growth he goes for Nature Power, take 1/3 of my HP. I can get off another Growth and he goes for Pin Missle which Misses. Now lets use Poison Sting. Does 1/3 his HP and poisons, not bad, but expected a little more damage. He uses Nature power again. Should barely be able to live one more of those. Well Pin Missle gets strengthened by desert field and takes me out. He's almost at no health now, so I'll send out Gaunt, to use Pin MIssle on him. She uses a super potion and recovers Maractus' health to full, after a 2hit pin missle, we're back to where we started, she should waste another Super Potion. I miss the Pin Missle, damn it. Maractus gets off one Needle Arm then dies to a 2hit Pin missle. incoming ferroseed. This is a job for still gaunt? yeah why not. Trading pin missles. I do about 60% on a 3hit and so does she. Another 2 hit pin missle takes out Ferroseed. Cacnea coming out, I can outspeed that right? I don't know if I want to try it, I'll send out Lust now. Crit Bug Bite, goodbye Cacnea, 3 down 3 to go. Now, the Monster, cradily. Oh jeebus. I'll stay in with Lust. Bug Bite til it dies. 2 hits from Bug Bite and 2 Smack Down's from Cradily, Lust goes down but Cradily is under 10% Lets have Vinny come and clean up with dat speed doe. I swear Fairy Wind better kill it Vinny. You've failed me, Recovered because it didn't kill. I don't think I have anything that can kill it now. I send out Derpy which futilely uses Mega Drain as it recovers and uses Sandstorm. Derpy didn't do much, well here's hoping Gaunt can finish Cradily, if not I'm pretty screwed. 3 hit Pin MIssle takes it to 40% but it got a stockpile up. Next Pin Missle misses and sandstorm kills Gaunt Lost Lore will likely die to a Smack Down. Fortunately a crit Razor Leaf takes it down to almost nothing. Can Lost finish it off? It survived a smack down alright. Another Razor Lead is able to kill it. Good job Lost. Incoming Grotle. I have Lost and Vinny Left, I'd prefer to save Lost for the last because I seem to remember Breloom. Vinny be useful please. Fairy Wind does a little damage, not too much though, another Sandstorm will hit us both now. I keep using Fairy Wind he uses Nature Power Tri Attack, neither is doing much damage. but Vinny has synthesis. He changes it up and uses Bite. He's at (25%), Vinny's at (33%), Synthesis TROLOLOLOL, well it doesn't help as much in this Sandstorm grrrr. Still adequate to stall though. Synthesis one more time for good measure. He sets up another Sandstorm before he dies, Vinny is almost back to full health. Here's the Breloom, Fairy could work okay against that. Fairy Wind is a 3HKO on Breloom, spore doesn't work on me. Toxic Orb? Hmmm cool. Yeah Spore still doesn't work. Mach Punch won't do much either. Fairy Wind for the Win(d) That's all she wrote gg. Battle MVP: Vinny - Lv 26 Almost screwed me with Cradily, but it worked out in the end. Who's next Cory or Shelley?
  13. Kill myself. If theres nothing I dont know, no obstacles to overcome wheres the fun in life, the sense of reward, the point of life. No I dont condone suicide but in that hypothetical situation. Do you believe there is a meaning of life, or is it just something we create in our minds
  14. Yup sittin here at the dentist is hella boring. Sheep
  15. waiting at the dentist right now and they are rick rolling me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      "Your teeth are clean!

      Haha, Rick Roll'd! You have seventeen cavities."

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Jokes on you, I don't even have 17 teeth left (not srs), never had a single cavity. Sealants is nice.

    4. Arkhi


      Very nice. I've had so many teeth pulled, it makes my head spin.

  16. I was able to beat Pulse Tangrowth with a full team of grass types. You dony need to change anything ame.
  17. No. Using that -chan crap? You gon learn tuhday. Sunburn, I mean tempest
  18. Insomnia? Or just having a hard time falling asleep because you didnt use enough energy during the day.
  19. I like the standard choice band set myself. Maybe swap out tpunch for Stone edge occaisionally.
  20. Never have I considered being a vegetarian.
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