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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'm sure if Ame wanted to do this, we probably would have heard or seen something about this by now.
  2. That's what she said about episode 12 LOL.
  3. Nerf Samson? This was literally the easiest gym battle in the entire game for me. would have 6-0ed him, but I decided to lead off with my Ampharos and set up a couple cotton guards for shits and giggles, but my leftovers got knocked off so his conkeldurr finally took it out. Togekiss single handedly destroyed the rest of his team.
  4. Mega Sceptile Good News: Grass Dragon Bad News: Ability - Lightning Rod (Wut?)
  5. The togepi just looks weird IMO. could be Ame wants it that way, but It looks completely off to me.
  6. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_food#Eating_non-Pok.C3.A9mon_animals Just my guess.
  7. Shrubbery

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    1. Cowtao
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Haha, yeah sorry, I've done this from time to time, I'm actually looking to search the forum and put in the wrong search bar.

  8. I also kinda like the Ancient Power Serene Grace even if it is still only 20%
  9. Well considering I have 23 team members most of which are at 64ish, I may do a bit. Also, Ciel is probably my favorite gym leader. SEAL? SAI-EL? SEE-EL?
  10. Extremespeed Air Slash Ancient Power Aura Sphere ALSO: Did the level cap go up after defeating Samson?
  11. Kinda bummed this episode was so short.
  12. Togekiss swept Samson. Serene Grace Air Slash, game over.
  13. Also, they should be 160x160, not 80x80
  14. I checked, it's not there. I'm now talking to everyone in that little hide out place now that there all awake to see if they still give it to me, but nope, nothing.
  15. Well, it said I got the powder vial, but I can't find it in inventory.
  16. I'm at the same point myself. I can't figure out to make those rocks move it what looks like needs to happen.
  17. I legitimately have no idea where to go in this rock maze.
  18. This maze makes me feel like a kid separated from his parents at disney world. Found a bit of a bug though. I mean I guess maybe I can be LeBron James sometimes that's cool too.
  19. Do you need a pokemon with strength to move those different rocks around?
  20. YOUR POWER LEVEL IS... OVER 9000, Not again.....
  22. We can get Dive, but we have no Surf? SRS?
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