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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I figured as much. Waiting til 2300 is no bueno.
  2. I was supposed to read Gulliver's travels a couple semesters ago, but seeing as this was for a Gen Ed, I did what any other student would do and just read sparknotes. At face value it seemed pretty boring, but I'm reading some more small excerpts and small quotes and really find myself agreeing with them quite a bit. I don't always read books, but when I do, they're about philosophy and corruption. Yes, I actually liked Catcher in the Rye...
  3. That's like trying to go faster than the speed of light. In fact the closer you get to the speed of light and absolute zero respectively, the more impractical and more fruitless the spending becomes. Do we really need to spend an additional Billion dollars to get from 99% to 99.9%?? As far as my current interest, from what I hear, Nuclear Fusion is inching it's way closer and closer to being possible for humanity to potentially use someday as a alternative source of energy.
  4. I wouldn't say it'd make it obsolete. But yeah Perhaps one thread would be better as a whole. Just put each location in an individual spoiler with the different times of day. Not my call though. Seeing as how Shattered has the lead post in this thread, I'd say he should he decide that.
  5. I could turn up that crystal onix's contrast. Speaking of increased contrast. Do you think you could increase the contrast on the golden parts of the Piplup line you have there? It'd be better IMO. BEFORE AFTER
  6. Inverted Room Power: -- Accuracy: -- PP: 5 Priority: -7 All super effective moves become not very effective and vice versa for 5 turns
  7. Someone else make the thread, Going back to school monday, and I'll be using my Mac laptop while I'm there and I refuse to mess around with wine mainly because I here so many people have problems with it. So I won't have access to the game for an extended period of time.
  8. I pretty much knew you weren't. I'm just a stick in the mud.
  9. Nice. Not to rain on your parade but Shinies in this game are about 1/100 rather 1/?8000ish?
  10. Gold would be good instead of the orangey brown IMO
  11. Hi. [rant] Sorry, not a fan of these kind of threads. If there's one thing I hate it's arrogance, whether intended or not, a thread like announcing your arrival sort of comes off that way to me. [/rant] Now I have to think of something nice to say.... I'll have to get back to you on that lol.
  12. Deleted User

    PP Up

    Not that I've done that or anything along those lines....
  13. I don't think so, I'm referring to the one who was replaced by the Smoochum Egg
  14. I forget, those of us who can get up to the 7F (before the one sticker was taken out of the game), do we have 6 or 7 stickers on our card?
  15. It's all based on 8 bit binary. 00000000 = 0 to 11111111 = 255, If you want to know anymore than that go read about it.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shade_(mythology)
  17. Okay I'm trying to decide between a Variety of moves for my Jynx. I know I am going to have Lovely Kiss and Frost Breath, but the other two are iffy with the available move pool. 1. Lovely Kiss 2. Frost Breath 3. ?? 4. ?? Possibilities: Perish Song Blizzard (70% accuracy never made sense to me for this move) Draining Kiss Confusion Calm Mind HP (Fire) Shadow Ball
  18. All I'm getting is, "Leftovers.... mmmNope..."
  19. My guess would be that there are multiple topics in part due to the shaky connection of the server the forum is hosted on right now. Well it may have been fixed just as I posted this LOL
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