Welcome one and all. I imagine you're here because you wish to serve alongside your brethren to fight against the tyranny that is the eeeeeevil [iNSERT NATION NAME] NATION?! Well before you can go and strap up your boots and engage in mortal combat soldier, we ask that you fill out a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit of infomation for us. Just sign here, and here! Annnnnnnnnnnd once more here.
Your Forum Name
Your Server Name
The Year You Joined Reborn
Your Favorite Type (Yes you can have more than one)
Your Least Favorite Type
Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations?
Your Social Security Number
General Availability
For Example:
Forum: Jericho
Server: &Jericho
Joined: 2013
Favorite Type: Ground
Least Favorite Type: Ice
PokeNations 1?: Yes
Usually Available: 1 PM - 4 PM, 9 PM - 1 AM, US EST
Perfect! The initial sign up period will go until Thursday May 19th, but you can still sign up at any time, ohoho. OH and please do remember, should you abandon your teammates, your soul will belong to me. For eternity~