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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'll also say right now, All 6 of the people who are on the committee right now are participating and will be put onto different nations, and we have collectively decided to make ourselves ineligible to be leader.
  2. Additionally, in PokeNations 2 leaders will make represent their nation at the draft for the first 12 types and make the call when their nation is on the clock. I will make a thread detailing the process further once teams are announced. In the event that the leader can not or does not want to make the call at the draft they can PM me or Rose or Frar or.... etc. and tell us who will take their spot at the event.
  3. All announcements will go here. -Wednesday May 25th- There is a new policy in which users must submit their teams to a committee rep before battling. This doesn't mean they have to be around, you can send it to them via PM on the forum, skype or what have you. Failure to do so will result in the battle being deemed no contest. -Thursday May 19th- The Teams have been announced and the draft is underway please view the draft thread for more details. After each nation has its three types, please select an actual name for your nation and a name for your War Room on the server. -Wednesday May 11th- The teams will be announced this Sunday following the conclusion of the auth meeting. Sign ups will still be going on, so don't worry about that. At that point each nation will be given until the following Friday to pick their leader. Additionally each nation will be given a hidden chat room on the server that's name will be only be known by members of that respective nation. And no they won't be easily predictable so don't try and sneak into another nations war room. -Sunday May 8th- PokeNations 2 Announced
  4. I'll pretty this up later, feel free to discuss whatever here. You're allowed to talk trash, but keep it civil, I don't want to see people getting genuinely offended by something.
  5. Nope, nations will all pick their own names after they've selected their 2 types in the draft and had their last one assigned.
  6. Zygarde will still be relevant at some point somehow, whether Sun Moon incorporate multiple regions, or Zygarde migrates, or we get sequels you can see on the 'mouth' of perfect Zygarde the colors of Xerneas/Yveltal/Solgaleo/Lunaala, It needs all four or something.
  7. Well with Sylveon now on the scene in UU, I think Goodra and Haxorus who've been skating on thin ice in UU are destined for RU, or rather, BL2 in Haxorus' case.
  8. Why yes..... THAT'S ME. no really though Caribou Viri
  9. Aim Fist, lets see another one of those beautiful animations.
  10. Where is Rose, start the show already you buffoon!
  11. Welcome one and all. I imagine you're here because you wish to serve alongside your brethren to fight against the tyranny that is the eeeeeevil [iNSERT NATION NAME] NATION?! Well before you can go and strap up your boots and engage in mortal combat soldier, we ask that you fill out a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit of infomation for us. Just sign here, and here! Annnnnnnnnnnd once more here. Your Forum Name Your Server Name The Year You Joined Reborn Your Favorite Type (Yes you can have more than one) Your Least Favorite Type Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations? Your Social Security Number General Availability For Example: Forum: Jericho Server: &Jericho Joined: 2013 Favorite Type: Ground Least Favorite Type: Ice PokeNations 1?: Yes Usually Available: 1 PM - 4 PM, 9 PM - 1 AM, US EST Perfect! The initial sign up period will go until Thursday May 19th, but you can still sign up at any time, ohoho. OH and please do remember, should you abandon your teammates, your soul will belong to me. For eternity~
  12. /me stabs Zumi.... with a spoon

    1. Ironbound


      Blunt is always best.

    2. Exalted
    3. Alextron


      Spoon has no edge,silly.

  13. I've never understood why people feel the need to celebrate a specific number of posts, "Oh my god, I've clicked submit on forum on the internet a specific number of times that only has significance due to the assignment mankind has given said amount."
  14. Posting a controversial status and locking it is a form of cowardice. Can't have anyone trying to challenge your views with a counter argument now can we?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ironbound


      That's why I make Shakespeare references in times of adversity, for it has its sweeter uses in affording me no small jest.

    3. Alex


      jeri i get where you're coming from but have a better approach to things

    4. Shamitako



  15. Digging Tokyo Ghoul. It's similar to Parasyte but with mannerisms more akin to Darker than Black, more my style.
  16. It's better to be hated, than to be invisible.

  17. Happy birthday to my niece, I miss you so.
  18. My face when someone starts talking about 'Waifus'
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